mhertzfeld / CrystalReportsNinja

A fork of a small Windows Console App that loads and executes Crystal Reports, exporting the results to a variety of supported file formats, email or printed. This fork includes numerous features and fixes that are not a part of the forked project.
26 stars 19 forks source link

Suggest an improvement - External XML file containing the Default Parameters #48

Closed fabian-sta closed 3 years ago

fabian-sta commented 3 years ago

I think it would be good if an external XML file be used for the default parameters That way a default could be set for each environment i.e DB Server, DB, UN, PW, Mail settings etc

End result could be a command line to run the script to be easy and short i.e. export.exe -M -MT -E PDF -O "TestOut.PDF" -F "Test.rpt" \" -a par1:10 -a par2:2019 -a par3:09 \" which would send email with PDF attachment to specific person, or printer etc

This would mean you wouldn't have to have to set all the basics for every script wouldn't have to store your password etc and several batch files etc

fabian-sta commented 3 years ago

Added in Pull request Added External XML Config File and Application Icon #50 Branch