mhgbrown / cached_resource

Caching for ActiveResource
MIT License
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Redis cache does not support ^ in the delete_matched definition #65

Open Wardormeur opened 2 months ago

Wardormeur commented 2 months ago

When running a clear_cache, the ^ does not seem to supported In Redis cache store, the pattern used is sent to scan Trying to rerun it as close as possible to redis, we notice the ^ blocks retrieval of keys


 r.scan(0, :match => "deal/*", count: 100)
> r.scan(0, :match => "^deal/*", count: 100)
=> ["476", []]
mhgbrown commented 1 month ago

Ah so then does not work.

So for Redis, we should omit the ^? Does that sound right?

Wardormeur commented 3 weeks ago

Yup, that sounds about right

jlurena commented 3 weeks ago

Will patch this :)

jlurena commented 3 weeks ago
