mhgolkar / Arrow

Game Narrative Design Tool
MIT License
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Godot integration? #17

Open dvergeylen opened 3 years ago

dvergeylen commented 3 years ago


I've been tinkering a bit with Arrow and find it very interesting! 🙂 I know there is the json file export function but do you plan to make a GDScript plugin to make it possible to import it in Godot projects? I mean, it could be very interesting to use Arrow's node Editor to make complex dialogs and include them in games where players could interact with NPCs.

A thing like 1 json file per discussion (including 1 or more NPCs) with the dialog's input variables 'fed' by the game would allow a smooth connection with RPG style games. 🤔

mhgolkar commented 3 years ago

Hi @dvergeylen

That would be great for sure and I love the idea. Yet my first priority is to perfect existing functionalities and to add some more fundamental features (such as RTL and CTL language support.) So personally and currently, I don't have a plan (or at least the time and resources needed) to develop an official integration.

It's worth mentioning that the Console module of Arrow (itself written in GDScript) may also be used as a base to make custom runtimes for Godot projects.

IvailoBurov commented 2 years ago

The implementing of Godot Loader will be very useful for the extended application of this project by Godot users for both 2d and 3d developments. Without this functionality, the application is very limited toward its power.

mhgolkar commented 1 year ago

With v2, we are a small step forward in this direction. Console code in the new major release is revised, a little simpler, a little cleaner and more standard. One thing I think would be very helpful is to encapsulate some Core and Console functionalities (such as asset loading, resource lookup, variable and character state management, etc.) in a general purpose custom node, plugin or extension. We can then create on top of that, a development kit (including more features such as common UI and example game-plays, story-wall, scene rotation, etc.). If this is the way to go, there are still hero positions to be filled with brave volunteers, willing to take care of it, selflessly.