Closed alok closed 6 years ago
Startify doesn't force a value for 'wrap'
, because that's really a matter of taste.
If you want it done only for the Startify buffer, use this:
autocmd User Startified setlocal wrap
Another possibility would be doing something similar to what startify#fortune#boxed()
function! Yay()
let textwidth = &textwidth ? &textwidth : 50
let wrapped_lines = []
for line in startify#fortune#quote()
let wrapped_lines += split(line, '\%'.textwidth.'c.\{-}\zs\s', 1)
return map(wrapped_lines, '" ". v:val')
let g:startify_custom_header = 'Yay()'
I went with the first.
The one about lion taming by Glyn Williams, for example.