mhinz / vim-startify

:link: The fancy start screen for Vim.
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Show startify when there is no opened buffers #331

Closed kristijanhusak closed 6 years ago

kristijanhusak commented 6 years ago

Hi, is there a way to show startify automatically once all buffers are closed?

So open up for example 2 buffers, do :bd on both, and once it should go to No Name buffer, to show Startify. I wasn't able to find that in the docs.

mhinz commented 6 years ago


I'm not sure if that should be an option on its own, because there are so many similar but different approaches on when Startify could be shown.. creating an option for each of those would only bloat everything.

But maybe I can interest you in some custom code? If it works for you, we can add it to :h startify-faq.

autocmd BufDelete * if empty(filter(tabpagebuflist(), '!buflisted(v:val)')) | Startify | endif

Looks simple and easy to put in an option, but a few persons might want to take unlisted buffers into account as well. Or maybe they prefer BufWipeout over BufDelete and so on. It's more useful to document it accordingly and let the users choose.

kristijanhusak commented 6 years ago

Yeah that works, thanks!

One more unrelated question: Can Startify somehow know to open up the root of my project?

For example, i have project in ~/code/my-project, and MRU list offers to open ~/code/my-project/components/list/list-item.js. When i open it, it sets my working directory to the one where list-item.js is, where i would like to set it to open ~/code/my-project.

mhinz commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I know that issue. Here's what I use:

So, you could put this in your vimrc:

function! s:cd() abort
  if &buftype =~# '\v(nofile|terminal)' || expand('%') =~# '^fugitive'
  if !exists('s:cache')
    let s:cache = {}
  let dirs   = [ '.git', '.hg', '.svn' ]
  let curdir = resolve(expand('%:p:h'))
  if !isdirectory(curdir)
    echohl WarningMsg | echo 'No such directory: '. curdir | echohl NONE
  if has_key(s:cache, curdir)
    execute 'lcd' fnameescape(s:cache[curdir])
  for dir in dirs
    let founddir = finddir(dir, curdir .';')
    if !empty(founddir)
  let dir = empty(founddir) ? curdir : resolve(fnamemodify(founddir, ':p:h:h'))
  let s:cache[curdir] = dir
  execute 'lcd' fnameescape(dir)

command! Cd call s:cd()
autocmd BufEnter * call s:cd()

So, it automatically sets the current directory to the folder containing the .git/.hg/.svn directory (beginning with the directory of the opened file and going upwards) and does nothing otherwise. It also does some caching (which is really unimportant in most cases) and handles a few corner cases.

If it hits an unhandled corner case, you'll get a warning message and the current directory won't change.

kristijanhusak commented 6 years ago


bs commented 4 years ago

Just came to say thanks for all your amazing work, and that I was looking for just this!

+1 to adding it to the :help example configs!

Adnios commented 4 years ago


typkrft commented 4 years ago

autocmd BufDelete * if empty(filter(tabpagebuflist(), '!buflisted(v:val)')) | Startify | endif

For some reason when I use this to open a session, it opens the session, but doesn't exit the startify page.

GKreiken commented 2 years ago

Hi there, VIM noobie here trying to switch from VSC to VIM as my IDE.

I implemented autocmd BufDelete * if empty(filter(tabpagebuflist(), '!buflisted(v:val)')) | Startify | endif which worked beautifully, until I started using vim-fugitive. It works, but every time I close a fugitive buffer it gives me the warning: E937: Attempt to delete a buffer that is in use

Is there way to check if the current buffer is a fugitive screen and adding that to the if statement?

P.s. I'm pretty sure this is a noobie question, so apologies in advance. Just trying to learn here.