mhinz / vim-startify

:link: The fancy start screen for Vim.
MIT License
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Warning on startup: "Illegal character <f>: shortmess+=I" #369

Closed tchoutri closed 5 years ago

tchoutri commented 5 years ago


Since yesterday, each time I open up my Neovim, I get this warning message:

Error detected while processing /home/tchoutri/.cache/dein/.cache/init.vim/.dein/plugin/startify.vim:
line   14:
E539: Illegal character <f>: shortmess+=I
Press ENTER or type command to continue

and uh, I don't really get the meaning of that error. Is it directly linked to vim-startify?

mhinz commented 5 years ago

Well, the line exists, but I'm not sure where the Illegal character <f> is coming from.

What did you do yesterday that it changed? Updated the plugin? Updated Neovim? Which Neovim version are you using?

tchoutri commented 5 years ago

I am running NVIM v0.3.4. I haven't touched my Neovim install, which is the one bundled by Fedora 29. And yes, I have updated the plugin.

mhinz commented 5 years ago

The path mentions cache. How is that working?

Could you paste /home/tchoutri/.cache/dein/.cache/init.vim/.dein/plugin/startify.vim or make sure it's up-to-date with

tchoutri commented 5 years ago

The path mentions cache. How is that working?

It is just the repository where my plugins are installed, so I can get my nvim folder across machines without the burden of all the git files that come from the plugins.

I have checked their checksums, and they are the same :/

Here is my local copy of the file ```vimL " vim: et sw=2 sts=2 " Plugin: " Description: A fancy start screen for Vim. " Maintainer: Marco Hinz if exists('g:loaded_startify') || &cp finish endif let g:loaded_startify = 1 let g:startify_locked = 0 if !get(g:, 'startify_disable_at_vimenter') set shortmess+=I endif augroup startify autocmd VimEnter * nested call s:on_vimenter() autocmd VimLeavePre * nested call s:on_vimleavepre() autocmd QuickFixCmdPre *vimgrep* let g:startify_locked = 1 autocmd QuickFixCmdPost *vimgrep* let g:startify_locked = 0 augroup END function! s:update_oldfiles(file) if g:startify_locked || !exists('v:oldfiles') return endif let idx = index(v:oldfiles, a:file) if idx != -1 call remove(v:oldfiles, idx) endif call insert(v:oldfiles, a:file, 0) endfunction function! s:on_vimenter() if !argc() && line2byte('$') == -1 if get(g:, 'startify_session_autoload') && filereadable('Session.vim') source Session.vim elseif !get(g:, 'startify_disable_at_vimenter') call startify#insane_in_the_membrane(1) endif endif if get(g:, 'startify_update_oldfiles') call map(v:oldfiles, 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":p")') autocmd startify BufNewFile,BufRead,BufFilePre * \ call s:update_oldfiles(expand(':p')) endif autocmd! startify VimEnter endfunction function! s:on_vimleavepre() if get(g:, 'startify_session_persistence') \ && exists('v:this_session') \ && filewritable(v:this_session) call startify#session_write(fnameescape(v:this_session)) endif endfunction command! -nargs=? -bar -bang -complete=customlist,startify#session_list SLoad call startify#session_load(0, ) command! -nargs=? -bar -bang -complete=customlist,startify#session_list SSave call startify#session_save(0, ) command! -nargs=? -bar -bang -complete=customlist,startify#session_list SDelete call startify#session_delete(0, ) command! -nargs=0 -bar SClose call startify#session_close() command! -nargs=0 -bar Startify call startify#insane_in_the_membrane(0) command! -nargs=0 -bar StartifyDebug call startify#debug() nnoremap (startify-open-buffers) :call startify#open_buffers() ```
mhinz commented 5 years ago

Ah, I found the issue:

And you probably didn't update the plugin since February, so you did not have the shortmess line until yesterday. v0.3.5 is the current release, so I hope that you get an updated package on Fedora soon!

mhinz commented 5 years ago

Ok, I pushed a small "workaround" that simply doesn't set 'shortmess' for Nvim versions smaller than v0.3.5.

tchoutri commented 5 years ago

It works perfectly, thank you so much <3