mhinz / vim-startify

:link: The fancy start screen for Vim.
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May I pause/stop Startify from creating symlinks? #407

Open llinfeng opened 4 years ago

llinfeng commented 4 years ago

May I opt to stop creating/updating the __LAST__ auto-save session? Simply, to stop Startify from creating such symlink? Here is why:

Out of the blue, the Dropbox client on one of my Windows 10 machine refused to upload local changes but continued to fetch remote updates seamlessly. One week later, the Dropbox support people gave me a simple solution ==> to avoid using symlink across all subfolders in ~/Dropbox/. I used the following command-line arguments to look for symlink "files", and found __LAST__ to be the only one that exists on all my systems.

Across all my Vim installation on various machines, I have defined an environmental variable with an absolute path to a sub-folder in ~/Dropbox.

let g:startify_session_dir=$Startify_home

Quote from Dropbox support:

In general, we recommend users move the actual folders into the Dropbox folder and then symlink back to the original locations. Please just keep in mind that we don't generally support the use of symlinks due to the issues that can arise when they are added to Dropbox.

Thanks a lot!

mhinz commented 4 years ago

Sorry, but I wasn't active on GitHub in recent months. :)

Are you still using vim-startify and Dropbox? If so, I'll add an opt-out option for it. Probably g:startify_session_disable_last_symlink.

llinfeng commented 4 years ago

I still use Dropbox but tend to use vim-startify less actively. I picked up Tmux + vim-prosession. Nevertheless, vim-startify is still enabled upon start and I don't think Dropbox complains about it anymore.

Per my use case, I can no longer justify the need for a new g:startify_session_disable_last_symlink option.

I find no mentioning of __LAST__ from the help file. My guess is that it is meant to get :SLoad! to wrok on Unix machines?

For :SLoad! ==> If the ! is given, it tries to source the last used session (only Unix).

llinfeng commented 2 years ago

Eating my own words and reopening this issue - It still helps to be able to issue the setting: let g:startify_session_disable_last_symlink=0 for Linux machines.

Thanks a lot!