mhinz / vim-startify

:link: The fancy start screen for Vim.
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For the love of god, respect the users `autochdir` setting #472

Closed mrjones2014 closed 3 years ago

mrjones2014 commented 3 years ago

I just spent hours debugging why, after setting noautochdir, it was still autochdiring when selecting a file from startify. For the love of god, please make g:startify_change_to_dir default to the users autochdir setting, or better yet, just remove the Startify setting altogether and leave it to autochdir to handle it!

mhinz commented 3 years ago

I just spent hours debugging why, after setting noautochdir, it was still autochdiring when selecting a file from startify.

It took you hours to realize that a behaviour you observed after using a plugin could actually be related to that plugin?

The plugin acted liked that from the beginning and g:startify_change_to_dir was only introduced afterwards, defaulting to 1 to not change behaviour.

And yes, it would have been a saner default, but it is like that for 8 years now. I understand that this would help your use case, but I have to think of the other already-existing users as well. Changing such a core behaviour now would lead to a lot of users wondering why it's suddenly acting differently. I prefer stability in this case.

And removing the option is no good either. I for myself want startify to change the directory (which can also be fine-tuned via let g:startify_change_cmd opposed to 'autochdir'), but not to change for every single buffer opened afterwards, so using 'autochdir' is not an option.

I think the documentation is in pretty good shape already, but I'll add a remark about 'autochdir'.

For the love of God.