mhinz / vim-startify

:link: The fancy start screen for Vim.
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Excluding current-directory MRU files from general 'files' MRU, when displayed #504

Open ELLIOTTCABLE opened 3 years ago

ELLIOTTCABLE commented 3 years ago

So, at the moment, after some configuration ... my Startify looks like this:

   [e]  <empty buffer>

   Recent files (/Users/ec/Sync/Code/FSharpMod):

   [a]    FSharpMod.sln
   [d]    Source/FSharpModLibrary/FSharpModLibrary.fsproj
   [f]    Source/CSharpModLibrary/CSharpModLibrary.csproj
   [h]    Source/CSharpModLibrary/Helloicate.cs
   [l]    Makefile
   [w]    Source/FSharpModLibrary/Library1.fs
   [r]    Source/CSharpModLibrary/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs

   Recent files elsewhere:

   [y]    ~/Sync/Code/HelloCSharp/HelloCSharpSolution.sln
   [o]    ~/Sync/Code/FSharpMod/FSharpMod.sln
   [p]    ~/Sync/Code/FSharpMod/Source/FSharpModLibrary/FSharpModLibrary.fsproj
   [z]    ~/Sync/Code/FSharpMod/Source/CSharpModLibrary/CSharpModLibrary.csproj
   [x]    ~/.local/share/nvim/plugged/vim-startify/autoload/startify.vim
   [c]    $SYSTEM_REPO/Dotfiles/vim/lua/lsp-settings.lua
   [n]    ~/Sync/Code/FSharpMod/Source/CSharpModLibrary/Helloicate.cs
   [m]    ~/.cache/nvim/lsp.log
   [,]    ~/Sync/Code/FSharpMod/Makefile
   [A]    $SYSTEM_REPO/Dotfiles/vimrc


I'd really like to exclude items that show up in the first list, from also showing up in the second list. Is there any way to do this?