mhogomchungu / zuluCrypt

zuluCrypt is a front end to cryptsetup and tcplay and it allows easy management of encrypted block devices
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Failed to mount a file system #187

Open arkona1 opened 2 years ago

arkona1 commented 2 years ago

Hello, when I try to open an enrypted container on my external drive (via gui) i get: "Failed to mount a file system: invalid/unsupported mount option or unsupported file system encountered" Opening the file used to work without problems. What can i do ? Thanks for any help.

mhogomchungu commented 2 years ago

The file system on the drive is corrupted probably because the drive went offline while in the middle of a write operation.

The solution here is to:-

  1. Unlock the volume without mount its file system.
  2. Repair the file system manually.

The drive uses LUKS, VeraCrypt, TrueCrypt, BitLocker or PLAIN dm-crypt?

death-magnet commented 2 years ago

I am having a similar problem. I do not see an option to unlock without mounting. I also don't understand how I could then proceed to repair it. Can you explain better? Mine is a truecrypt volume.

Edit: I found the option to open without mounting in the cli version. It still does the same thing about MDRAID signature.

mhogomchungu commented 2 years ago

.To unlock a TrueCrypt volume without mount it, run below command from root's terminal and enter the volume password when asked

zuluCrypt-cli -O -d XYZ -t tcrypt

where XYZ is the full path to a file or partition that hosts your TrueCrypt volume.

After you enter the correct password, an encryption mapper will be created at /dev/mapper/zuluCrypt-ABC where ABC will be specific to the path entered above.

This encryption mapper path has the clear text view of the file system, is the one that is getting mounted and is also the one that is to be fixed.

The tool to use to fix the file system is called "fsck" and the one to use is "fsck.MMM" where MMM is the file system you where using. If for example you were using ext4 file system, then the command to run is

fsck.ext4 -p /dev/mapper/zuluCrypt-ABC`

When done, close the encryption mapper with below command

zuluCrypt-cli -q -d XYZ
death-magnet commented 2 years ago

Running your first command results in this error again. ERROR: A non supported device encountered,device is missing or permission denied Possible reasons for getting the error are: 1.Device path is invalid. 2.The device has LVM or MDRAID signature

Thank you for getting back with us but unfortunately I am still stuck right where I was.

mhogomchungu commented 2 years ago
  1. Do above steps to create encryption mapper without mounting it.
  2. Run blkid /dev/mapper/zuluCrypt-ABC where ABC is specific to your volume's encryption mapper you just created.
  3. Post the result of blkid output.
death-magnet commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately with the first command failing with an error (still the same as my above post), the mapper does not create. I am unable to follow the rest of your instructions until this problem is resolved. My apologies.

death-magnet commented 2 years ago

My problem was ultimately caused by a missing kernel configuration option. I am not sure which. In going back through the history of what had gone on before this became a problem, trying to figure out what might have caused it, I remembered that I had upgraded kernels. I do not know what option (or options) it was that broke it. I do know that reverting to a default older kernel resolved my issue. Perhaps this will work for the original poster as well.