Closed improve-code closed 2 years ago
Can confirm.
With a image file named volüme.img
, zuluCrypt expects the mapper path to be
but cryptsetup creates a mapper path of
The above mismatch causes zuluCrypt to successfully unlock the volume and then lose track of it.
I see two solutions:-
This is now fixed and i went with substituting non asci characterw with '_' character.
Thanks for the report and sorry for a long wait before i looked into this.
[ink@localhost ~]$ zuluCrypt-cli -o -d volüme.img -m xxx -p xxx
SUCCESS: luks volume opened successfully
volume mounted at: /home/ink/xxx
[ink@localhost ~]$ zuluCrypt-cli -s -d volüme.img
/dev/mapper/zuluCrypt-500-NAAN-vol__me.img-2848233069 is active and is in use.
type: luks2
cipher: aes-xts-plain64
keysize: 512 bits
offset: 32768 sectors / 16.0 MB
device: /dev/loop0
loop: /home/ink/volüme.img
mode: read and write
active slots: 1 / 32
file system: ext4
total space: 2.7 MB
used space: 135.0 KB
free space: 2.6 MB
used%: 4.86%
UUID: "b4c4e77f-7047-4dde-904a-243da89daf44"
mount point1: /home/ink/xxx
mount point2: Nil
[ink@localhost ~]$
Thank you very much.
If I understand you right, it doesn't affect the filename, just the program intern path. If it is that way, I think everything is ok .
I just want to add that the fourth solution to the initiate problem would have been to achieve a change in cryptsetup.
Zulucrypt can't handle filenames of containers and file paths which include special characters like ,,ä", ,,ö", ,,ü" and ,,ß" when you want to open a container.
Issue 1:
Instead it shows the � symbol (replacement character) in the Volume path and if so in the mount point name. You can't open an container of that kind.
I don't know whether you plan to fix that.
Issue 2: Only File and not container created, but shown as successful
Problematic is, that zulucrypt however mistakenly seems to be able to create containers (in my case in a new file), which include those characters in the file name or file path. There is no error shown. You can't open the container in that file after renaming the file or moving it to a different path, both without special characters.
I think instead only the file but not the volume is created. But zulucrypt shows – I think falsely – that the volume was successfully created.
Additional information to Issue 1:
You can't open an container of that kind. If only the filename is invalid there is shown the error:
Once I had another more specific error shown – maybe with special characters at another place – but I can't reproduce it now.