mhogomchungu / zuluCrypt

zuluCrypt is a front end to cryptsetup and tcplay and it allows easy management of encrypted block devices
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Give ui versions more flexibility in terms of command options #200

Open TanyaEleventhGoddess opened 1 year ago

TanyaEleventhGoddess commented 1 year ago

A thing I always appreciated in veracrypt is that command line options always translated into GUI options, I'd like if Veracrypt could do the same.

Things I strongly suggest including in GUI cli commands are:

Also, I believe allowing mounting with both zuluCrypt and zuluMount is really rendundant; in my opinion there should be a single coherent cli options list

mhogomchungu commented 1 year ago

First i started with zuluCrypt and it had a GUI and CLI parts. zuluCrypt is supposed to deal only with block device based encryption.

Later on, i started zuluMount to deal with mounting only unencrypted volumes and they overlapped in functionality when zuluMount gained the ability to mount block devices based encrypted volumes.

CLI arguments is a mess especially for zuluCrypt.

Will look into adding ability to set those options in zuluCrypt GUI.