Closed Plaputta closed 8 years ago
Give this a shot:
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/10-gpioneer.rules
Once the nano text editor loads, copy this single line into the file:
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="GPioneer", ENV{ID_INPUT_KEYBOARD}="1"
Save the file by pressing Ctrl-O and enter, then press Ctrl-x to exit. Restart your Raspberry Pi and run retrogame again, now button presses should register in SDL2 applications like the EmulationStation frontend to RetroPie
That line is already there, your installer worked fine despite the problem with the library..
It's also not EmulationStation related.
Even when in the console, pressing the buttons or joystick does nothing at first - after shortly attaching and detaching a USB keyboard, the buttons and joystick presses print their assigned keys to the console line.
ok, the only two things that I can think of trying at the moment would be this:
nano /etc/modules
check to make sure that uinput is listed (add it if it's not)
The other would be
sudo raspi-config
choose option 4 - Internationalisation Options, then I3 - Change Keyboard Layout If it gives you the option, select a default key mapping for your keyboard
I'll ask around to see if anyone has any ideas.
thanks again for your reply!
The uinput was already there but because of that hint I compared the "lsmod" output before and after plugging in the keyboard: the "evdev" module was missing.
I added the "evdev" module to /etc/modules and now the controls work right away without any real keyboard attached!
Thank you very much!
Awesome! I'll add that to the install script then. Glad we got it working!
I have some issues getting your script running with RetroPie 3.2.1:
Any ideas?
Thank you!
(Btw, I love your script because it's the only trick I found so far to properly use RetroPie with only 1 Joystick and 3 Buttons by mapping combos. Thank you!)