mholt / timeliner

All your digital life on a single timeline, stored locally -- DEPRECATED, SEE TIMELINIZE (link below)
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Insecure login when adding Facebook account #75

Open furmangg opened 2 years ago

furmangg commented 2 years ago

The command timeliner add-account facebook/you pops up this error message:

Facebook has detected MyApp isn't using a secure connection to transfer information. Until MyApp updates its security settings, you won't be able to use Facebook to log into it.

I next tried creating a "test app" and was able to log in but get this error:

2021/11/14 00:35:22 [FATAL] Adding account: authenticating you for facebook: getting token from source: oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request
Response: {"error":{"message":"Error validating client secret.","type":"OAuthException","code":1,"fbtrace_id":"<trace id here>"}}

Any suggestions?

mholt commented 2 years ago

Oh... does Facebook require HTTPS now, even to localhost? That's just a guess. (I am currently rewriting this application and haven't gotten around to the Facebook data source yet.)

furmangg commented 2 years ago

Not sure.... I found a different solution that met my needs in the interim... "Download Your Information"

metahnetoutage commented 2 years ago

Hi MHolt, I am currently studying Go, and would Love to contribute, I can take a look at the issue and keep you in the know. If I contribute, how fast does the decision making of inclusion or exclusion of a solution take place?

metahnetoutage commented 2 years ago

For reference, here is my work: You can take a look at the original code, and yes everything works in that project. I tried reaching the developer so they merge, to no vail.

metahnetoutage commented 2 years ago

I will be fixing the log messages, so it is easier to work! Get rid of this: log.Fatal("[FATAL] Missing subcommand and account arguments (specify one or more of 'data_source_id/user_id')") in favor of this: log.Fatal("Thank you for using the app!\n\ made a mistake\n\tIf you are a developer running this, Please type: go run main.go -h\n\tIf you ran go build and added timeliner to PATH, then:\n\ttimeliner -h to see possible options!")

metahnetoutage commented 2 years ago

So, instead of fixing purely 26 bugs, I will be making the error messages friendlier and studying the code meanwhile. Please incorporate such log information for it will also help you! It is helping me already!

Check out my fork of your repo!

metahnetoutage commented 2 years ago

I am working on this.

metahnetoutage commented 2 years ago

I succeeded in authenticating! So, here is what is required:

[oauth2.providers.facebook] client_id = "specified when clicking app in dash board just like owner explained, click basic option on left hand side" client_secret = "revealed when you press show." auth_url = "" token_url = ""

Then I seriously followed instructions to a T. Also, the code above with correct substitution of App_Id, App_Secret should be placed in Timeliner.toml file. This file should be placed in the same directory where Timeliner executable is located. I placed it in cmd/timeliner. I also enabled 2 factor Authentication from the app. I created Facebook none app. Called it, timeliner.

You can see Basic Under Settings only once you create an app!

When you type the command, a browser window pops asking your permission, I consented, it told me it sent some code and I could close the window so I did. You are done.

metahnetoutage commented 2 years ago

I can guide you, if you wish! It is doable and not hard. @furmangg You got this. I wonder where the data is! All commands work successfully. Will check Google Photos next.

metahnetoutage commented 2 years ago

timeliner add-account facebook/you is the wrong line. This is the line I used, and I had to create a username for my Facebook. ./timeliner add-account Facebook/dimadimov86, mine is dimadimov86 it is a developer only account. I enabled 2 factor authentication, https, I can email you my setup. My email