mholtzscher / spacy_readability

spaCy pipeline component for adding text readability meta data to Doc objects.
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Update pytest to 4.0.1 #96

Closed pyup-bot closed 5 years ago

pyup-bot commented 5 years ago

This PR updates pytest from 3.8.2 to 4.0.1.

Changelog ### 4.0.1 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - `3952 <>`_: Display warnings before "short test summary info" again, but still later warnings in the end. - `4386 <>`_: Handle uninitialized exceptioninfo in repr/str. - `4393 <>`_: Do not create ``.gitignore``/```` files in existing cache directories. - `4400 <>`_: Rearrange warning handling for the yield test errors so the opt-out in 4.0.x correctly works. - `4405 <>`_: Fix collection of testpaths with ``--pyargs``. - `4412 <>`_: Fix assertion rewriting involving ``Starred`` + side-effects. - `4425 <>`_: Ensure we resolve the absolute path when the given ``--basetemp`` is a relative path. Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `4315 <>`_: Use ``pkg_resources.parse_version`` instead of ``LooseVersion`` in minversion check. - `4440 <>`_: Adjust the stack level of some internal pytest warnings. ``` ### 4.0.0 ``` ========================= Removals -------- - `3737 <>`_: **RemovedInPytest4Warnings are now errors by default.** Following our plan to remove deprecated features with as little disruption as possible, all warnings of type ``RemovedInPytest4Warnings`` now generate errors instead of warning messages. **The affected features will be effectively removed in pytest 4.1**, so please consult the `Deprecations and Removals <>`__ section in the docs for directions on how to update existing code. In the pytest ``4.0.X`` series, it is possible to change the errors back into warnings as a stop gap measure by adding this to your ``pytest.ini`` file: .. code-block:: ini [pytest] filterwarnings = ignore::pytest.RemovedInPytest4Warning But this will stop working when pytest ``4.1`` is released. **If you have concerns** about the removal of a specific feature, please add a comment to `4348 <>`__. - `4358 <>`_: Remove the ``::()`` notation to denote a test class instance in node ids. Previously, node ids that contain test instances would use ``::()`` to denote the instance like this:: The extra ``::()`` was puzzling to most users and has been removed, so that the test id becomes now:: This change could not accompany a deprecation period as is usual when user-facing functionality changes because it was not really possible to detect when the functionality was being used explicitly. The extra ``::()`` might have been removed in some places internally already, which then led to confusion in places where it was expected, e.g. with ``--deselect`` (`4127 <>`_). Test class instances are also not listed with ``--collect-only`` anymore. Features -------- - `4270 <>`_: The ``cache_dir`` option uses ``$TOX_ENV_DIR`` as prefix (if set in the environment). This uses a different cache per tox environment by default. Bug Fixes --------- - `3554 <>`_: Fix ``CallInfo.__repr__`` for when the call is not finished yet. ``` ### 3.10.1 ``` ========================== Bug Fixes --------- - `4287 <>`_: Fix nested usage of debugging plugin (pdb), e.g. with pytester's ``testdir.runpytest``. - `4304 <>`_: Block the ``stepwise`` plugin if ``cacheprovider`` is also blocked, as one depends on the other. - `4306 <>`_: Parse ``minversion`` as an actual version and not as dot-separated strings. - `4310 <>`_: Fix duplicate collection due to multiple args matching the same packages. - `4321 <>`_: Fix ``item.nodeid`` with resolved symlinks. - `4325 <>`_: Fix collection of direct symlinked files, where the target does not match ``python_files``. - `4329 <>`_: Fix TypeError in report_collect with _collect_report_last_write. Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `4305 <>`_: Replace byte/unicode helpers in test_capture with python level syntax. ``` ### 3.10.0 ``` ========================== Features -------- - `2619 <>`_: Resume capturing output after ``continue`` with ``__import__("pdb").set_trace()``. This also adds a new ``pytest_leave_pdb`` hook, and passes in ``pdb`` to the existing ``pytest_enter_pdb`` hook. - `4147 <>`_: Add ``--sw``, ``--stepwise`` as an alternative to ``--lf -x`` for stopping at the first failure, but starting the next test invocation from that test. See `the documentation <>`__ for more info. - `4188 <>`_: Make ``--color`` emit colorful dots when not running in verbose mode. Earlier, it would only colorize the test-by-test output if ``--verbose`` was also passed. - `4225 <>`_: Improve performance with collection reporting in non-quiet mode with terminals. The "collecting …" message is only printed/updated every 0.5s. Bug Fixes --------- - `2701 <>`_: Fix false ``RemovedInPytest4Warning: usage of Session... is deprecated, please use pytest`` warnings. - `4046 <>`_: Fix problems with running tests in package ```` files. - `4260 <>`_: Swallow warnings during anonymous compilation of source. - `4262 <>`_: Fix access denied error when deleting stale directories created by ``tmpdir`` / ``tmp_path``. - `611 <>`_: Naming a fixture ``request`` will now raise a warning: the ``request`` fixture is internal and should not be overwritten as it will lead to internal errors. - `4266 <>`_: Handle (ignore) exceptions raised during collection, e.g. with Django's LazySettings proxy class. Improved Documentation ---------------------- - `4255 <>`_: Added missing documentation about the fact that module names passed to filter warnings are not regex-escaped. Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `4272 <>`_: Display cachedir also in non-verbose mode if non-default. - `4277 <>`_: pdb: improve message about output capturing with ``set_trace``. Do not display "IO-capturing turned off/on" when ``-s`` is used to avoid confusion. - `4279 <>`_: Improve message and stack level of warnings issued by ``monkeypatch.setenv`` when the value of the environment variable is not a ``str``. ``` ### 3.9.3 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - `4174 <>`_: Fix "ValueError: Plugin already registered" with conftest plugins via symlink. - `4181 <>`_: Handle race condition between creation and deletion of temporary folders. - `4221 <>`_: Fix bug where the warning summary at the end of the test session was not showing the test where the warning was originated. - `4243 <>`_: Fix regression when ``stacklevel`` for warnings was passed as positional argument on python2. Improved Documentation ---------------------- - `3851 <>`_: Add reference to ``empty_parameter_set_mark`` ini option in documentation of ``pytest.mark.parametrize`` Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `4028 <>`_: Revert patching of ``sys.breakpointhook`` since it appears to do nothing. - `4233 <>`_: Apply an import sorter (``reorder-python-imports``) to the codebase. - `4248 <>`_: Remove use of unnecessary compat shim, six.binary_type ``` ### 3.9.2 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - `2909 <>`_: Improve error message when a recursive dependency between fixtures is detected. - `3340 <>`_: Fix logging messages not shown in hooks ``pytest_sessionstart()`` and ``pytest_sessionfinish()``. - `3533 <>`_: Fix unescaped XML raw objects in JUnit report for skipped tests - `3691 <>`_: Python 2: safely format warning message about passing unicode strings to ``warnings.warn``, which may cause surprising ``MemoryError`` exception when monkey patching ``warnings.warn`` itself. - `4026 <>`_: Improve error message when it is not possible to determine a function's signature. - `4177 <>`_: Pin ``setuptools>=40.0`` to support ``py_modules`` in ``setup.cfg`` - `4179 <>`_: Restore the tmpdir behaviour of symlinking the current test run. - `4192 <>`_: Fix filename reported by ``warnings.warn`` when using ``recwarn`` under python2. ``` ### 3.9.1 ``` ========================= Features -------- - `4159 <>`_: For test-suites containing test classes, the information about the subclassed module is now output only if a higher verbosity level is specified (at least "-vv"). ``` ### 3.9.0 ``` ========================================================================= Deprecations ------------ - `3616 <>`_: The following accesses have been documented as deprecated for years, but are now actually emitting deprecation warnings. * Access of ``Module``, ``Function``, ``Class``, ``Instance``, ``File`` and ``Item`` through ``Node`` instances. Now users will this warning:: usage of Function.Module is deprecated, please use pytest.Module instead Users should just ``import pytest`` and access those objects using the ``pytest`` module. * ``request.cached_setup``, this was the precursor of the setup/teardown mechanism available to fixtures. You can consult `funcarg comparison section in the docs <>`_. * Using objects named ``"Class"`` as a way to customize the type of nodes that are collected in ``Collector`` subclasses has been deprecated. Users instead should use ``pytest_collect_make_item`` to customize node types during collection. This issue should affect only advanced plugins who create new collection types, so if you see this warning message please contact the authors so they can change the code. * The warning that produces the message below has changed to ``RemovedInPytest4Warning``:: getfuncargvalue is deprecated, use getfixturevalue - `3988 <>`_: Add a Deprecation warning for pytest.ensuretemp as it was deprecated since a while. Features -------- - `2293 <>`_: Improve usage errors messages by hiding internal details which can be distracting and noisy. This has the side effect that some error conditions that previously raised generic errors (such as ``ValueError`` for unregistered marks) are now raising ``Failed`` exceptions. - `3332 <>`_: Improve the error displayed when a ```` file could not be imported. In order to implement this, a new ``chain`` parameter was added to ``ExceptionInfo.getrepr`` to show or hide chained tracebacks in Python 3 (defaults to ``True``). - `3849 <>`_: Add ``empty_parameter_set_mark=fail_at_collect`` ini option for raising an exception when parametrize collects an empty set. - `3964 <>`_: Log messages generated in the collection phase are shown when live-logging is enabled and/or when they are logged to a file. - `3985 <>`_: Introduce ``tmp_path`` as a fixture providing a Path object. - `4013 <>`_: Deprecation warnings are now shown even if you customize the warnings filters yourself. In the previous version any customization would override pytest's filters and deprecation warnings would fall back to being hidden by default. - `4073 <>`_: Allow specification of timeout for ``Testdir.runpytest_subprocess()`` and ````. - `4098 <>`_: Add returncode argument to pytest.exit() to exit pytest with a specific return code. - `4102 <>`_: Reimplement ``pytest.deprecated_call`` using ``pytest.warns`` so it supports the ``match='...'`` keyword argument. This has the side effect that ``pytest.deprecated_call`` now raises ```` instead of ``AssertionError``. - `4149 <>`_: Require setuptools>=30.3 and move most of the metadata to ``setup.cfg``. Bug Fixes --------- - `2535 <>`_: Improve error message when test functions of ``unittest.TestCase`` subclasses use a parametrized fixture. - `3057 <>`_: ``request.fixturenames`` now correctly returns the name of fixtures created by ``request.getfixturevalue()``. - `3946 <>`_: Warning filters passed as command line options using ``-W`` now take precedence over filters defined in ``ini`` configuration files. - `4066 <>`_: Fix source reindenting by using ``textwrap.dedent`` directly. - `4102 <>`_: ``pytest.warn`` will capture previously-warned warnings in Python 2. Previously they were never raised. - `4108 <>`_: Resolve symbolic links for args. This fixes running ``pytest tests/``, where ``tests`` is a symlink to ``project/app/tests``: previously ``project/app/`` would be ignored for fixtures then. - `4132 <>`_: Fix duplicate printing of internal errors when using ``--pdb``. - `4135 <>`_: pathlib based tmpdir cleanup now correctly handles symlinks in the folder. - `4152 <>`_: Display the filename when encountering ``SyntaxWarning``. Improved Documentation ---------------------- - `3713 <>`_: Update usefixtures documentation to clarify that it can't be used with fixture functions. - `4058 <>`_: Update fixture documentation to specify that a fixture can be invoked twice in the scope it's defined for. - `4064 <>`_: According to unittest.rst, setUpModule and tearDownModule were not implemented, but it turns out they are. So updated the documentation for unittest. - `4151 <>`_: Add tempir testing example to CONTRIBUTING.rst guide Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `2293 <>`_: The internal ``MarkerError`` exception has been removed. - `3988 <>`_: Port the implementation of tmpdir to pathlib. - `4063 <>`_: Exclude 0.00 second entries from ``--duration`` output unless ``-vv`` is passed on the command-line. - `4093 <>`_: Fixed formatting of string literals in internal tests. ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage:
pyup-bot commented 5 years ago

Closing this in favor of #101