mhop / fhem-mirror

Branch 'master' is an unofficial read-only-mirror of which is updated once a day. (branch sf_old a mirror of the old repo: svn://
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PostgreSQL dump incorrect #34

Open Noranius opened 6 years ago

Noranius commented 6 years ago

Hi, i've tried the PostgreSQL dump (contrib/dblog/db_create_postgresql.sql) and had to change it. The problem ist, that the Table will be stored in the schema fhem, due to this has to be accessed via fhem.history. But the device expect only history. A hotfix would be to change the PostgreSQL dump (see below). The better would be to make it parameterizable, i.e. with an attribute.

-- PostgreSQL database dump

SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = off;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET escape_string_warning = off;

-- Name: current; Type: TABLE; Schema: fhem; Owner: fhem; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE current (
    "timestamp" timestamp without time zone,
    device character varying(64),
    type character varying(64),
    event character varying(512),
    reading character varying(64),
    value character varying(128),
    unit character varying(32)

ALTER TABLE fhem.current OWNER TO fhem;

-- Name: history; Type: TABLE; Schema: fhem; Owner: fhem; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE history (
    "timestamp" timestamp without time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
    device character varying(64),
    type character varying(64),
    event character varying(512),
    reading character varying(64),
    value character varying(128),
    unit character varying(32)

ALTER TABLE fhem.history OWNER TO fhem;

-- Name: reading; Type: INDEX; Schema: fhem; Owner: fhem; Tablespace: 

CREATE INDEX "Search_Idx" ON history USING btree (device, reading, "timestamp")

-- PostgreSQL database dump complete