mhop / fhem-mirror

Branch 'master' is an unofficial read-only-mirror of which is updated once a day. (branch sf_old a mirror of the old repo: svn://
107 stars 126 forks source link - Workaround for DZG DVS74 #51

Open tschaeffer2 opened 3 years ago

tschaeffer2 commented 3 years ago

When the module is used in combination with a DZG DVS74 power meter, the current power value is sometimes interpreted as a negative value. Even if this seams to be bug in the power meter itself if would be very helpful to implement a workaround in the module. A workaround implementation in C is described here: Additional information can be found on this page:

I am sorry that I cannot implement the code by myself. I could help to test the code in combination with my power meter if this is helpful.