mhop / fhem-mirror

Branch 'master' is an unofficial read-only-mirror of which is updated once a day. (branch sf_old a mirror of the old repo: svn://
106 stars 127 forks source link no state update after some hours #58

Open logol01 opened 2 years ago

logol01 commented 2 years ago

I am using a Philips HUEBridge V2 and have connected it with FHEM

Then I configured it in FHEM with "define Gartentorswitch HUEDevice sensor 5 1". This runs via When a button is pressed, for example, a state "16" arrives in FHEM from this Gartentorswitch sensor. This actually works very well. Unfortunately, after 1-2 days this suddenly no longer works. . Only when I restart my FHEM does everything work again - until the next stop... I am really at a loss as to what the problem is. I also have no idea how I can narrow down the problem or fix the error.

freddeh commented 2 years ago

I actually experience the same issues. For me the module continues to update, however very infrequently. Since I am using a motion sensor my poll intervals is very short (3 seconds) to capture any movements. After a few days the interval seems to be more like 30 seconds or even more. The HUEBridge is not the problem, I see motion detections almost in real-time in the HUE App. After FHEM restart, everything works again like a charm.