mhsabbagh / green-recorder

A simple screen recorder for Linux desktop. Supports Wayland & Xorg
GNU General Public License v3.0
616 stars 118 forks source link

Green Recorder doesen't launch on Ubuntu 17.10 #73

Closed bungabunga closed 6 years ago

bungabunga commented 6 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/green-recorder", line 40, in config.set('Options', 'folder', "file://" + GLib.get_user_special_dir(GLib.USER_DIRECTORY_VIDEOS)) TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects

gort818 commented 6 years ago

@bungabunga I will test this later on and get a fix for you.

mhsabbagh commented 6 years ago

This is probably because you have a missing XDG_VIDEOS_DIR variable in your /home/user/.config/user-dirs.dirs

Can you please give me the output of the following command:

cat /home/$USER/.config/user-dirs.dirs

bungabunga commented 6 years ago


No, I don't have most of the default folders, as many others I find them limiting my workflow/freedom. Please don't make having Videos folder mandatory for using this great software.

gort818 commented 6 years ago

Ok so if a user does not have XDG_VIDEOS_DIR , we can set the default dir to be the home dir.

bungabunga commented 6 years ago

That would be great!

gort818 commented 6 years ago

@bungabunga @mhsabbagh fixed here #74 :)

gort818 commented 6 years ago

Also remove this file in your home dir before launching green-recorder .config/green-recorder/config.ini