I was hoping to make a mitogenome dataset comprising several taxa with different mitochondrial genetic codes (invertebrate and vertebrate, in my case). As written V3 seems to only require users specify a single code which I guess applies across the entire tree (erroneously for some taxa in cases like mine).
So - I guess this is a feature request? Would you consider adding in a little code to permit this? Would go a long way towards making this a more fundamental tool in mitogenomics!
I was hoping to make a mitogenome dataset comprising several taxa with different mitochondrial genetic codes (invertebrate and vertebrate, in my case). As written V3 seems to only require users specify a single code which I guess applies across the entire tree (erroneously for some taxa in cases like mine).
So - I guess this is a feature request? Would you consider adding in a little code to permit this? Would go a long way towards making this a more fundamental tool in mitogenomics!
Regards, Chris L