mhudecheck / revgeo

Reverse Geocoding in R with Google Maps API and Photon API
GNU General Public License v3.0
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RevGeo RAM issue #9

Closed Ekibe closed 3 years ago

Ekibe commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the package! It is perfect for what I am trying to do.

I am using your revgeo package on about 15,000 records.

When running the package by itself: city_per_rec <- revgeo(NRM$lon[i], NRM$lat[i], provider = 'photon', API = NULL, output = 'frame', item = 'city’)

I get through about 1000 records and it hangs up. I first thought it was photon throttling but later realized it was not. I now believe it is a RAM issue so I wrote a separate rscript:


library(rstudioapi) library(revgeo)

Load iteration


City Reverse Geocoding

for (j in 1:a) { for (i in (b+1):(b+100)) { if (!$TOWN[i]) && !$LONGITUDE)) { city_per_rec <- revgeo(NRM$lon[i], NRM$lat[i], provider = 'photon', API = NULL, output = 'frame', item = 'city’) NRM$ChCity[i] <- toupper(as.character(city_per_rec$city)) rm(city_per_rec) } } b <- (b+100) gc() print('Taking a Break!’) Sys.sleep(30) gc() }

Update iteration

iter <- iter+1 save(iter, file = 'iter.RData’)

Save Workspace Image


Run This Script Again

if(iter < a) { restartSession(command = 'source("City.R")') }

This should clear the workspace, release the RAM, and restart R to run the code on 100 records at a time however this still hangs up my computer after about 1000 records.

I got through the data by manually doing chunks of 500 and restarting my computer so I am thinking it is a RAM fragmentation issue (running on only 6GB).

Are you able to provide any advise?

Thank you, Ethan

mhudecheck commented 4 years ago

What operating system & version of R are you using? 1,000 records shouldn't be enough to fill more than a couple hundred MBs of ram at a time (if that), so my best guess is that something else is going on.

Ekibe commented 4 years ago

R version 3.6.3 Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6 2.4 GHz quad core 6 GB DDR3

A coworker is going to try running it next week so I'll update then.

Thank you!