Open mhulse opened 9 years ago
Thinking about simplifying the comments and just organizing everything by alphabet:
# *.7z *.bak *.class *.com *.db *.dll *.dmg *.egg* *.exe *.gz *.iso *.jar *.log *.log *.manifest *.mo *.o *.pot *.py[cod] *.rar *.so *.spec *.sql *.sqlite *.sublime-workspace *.swo *.swp *.tar *.zip *~ .\#* ._* .cache .coverage .cvs .DS_Store .DS_Store? .elc .installed.cfg .project .pydevproject .Python .settings .Spotlight-V100 .svn .tox/ .Trashes /.emacs.desktop /.emacs.desktop.lock \#*\# __pycache__/ auto-save-list build/ coverage.xml Desktop.ini develop-eggs/ dist/ docs/_build/ downloads/ eggs/ ehthumbs.db env/ htmlcov/ Icon^M^M lib/ lib64/ nosetests.xml parts/ pip-delete-this-directory.txt pip-log.txt sdist/ sitemap.xml.gz*~ target/ Thumbs.db tramp var/ # PROJECT-SPECIFIC:
The above has these python-specific additions:
Thinking about simplifying the comments and just organizing everything by alphabet:
The above has these python-specific additions: