mhutch / MonoDevelop.AddinMaker

Extension to make it easier to create Visual Studio for Mac / MonoDevelop extensions
MIT License
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GTK# integration disabled #14

Closed stefandevo closed 7 years ago

stefandevo commented 9 years ago

When using the AddinMaker, the GTK# integration is disabled. The project types {86F6BF2A-E449-4B3E-813B-9ACC37E5545F};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC} prevents the project to add a New Dialog for example; the command New Dialog is still there but the AddFile dialog does not show them. The workaround is to temporarily remove the ProjectTypes from the .proj file, do the integration and re-enable the project types again.

mhutch commented 7 years ago

Happy to take patches to fix this, but I don't generally use the GTK# designer myself. I'd recommend XWT for new code.