mhutch / MonoDevelop.MSBuildEditor

Improved MSBuild editing support
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Classifier sometimes stops classifying at some point in the file #144

Open KirillOsenkov opened 7 months ago

KirillOsenkov commented 7 months ago

this is very strange, at some point classification just breaks:

    <a Include="@(b->WithMetadataValue('c', 'd')->'%(e)')">


the quote should be blue, and everything after that loses classification.

KirillOsenkov commented 7 months ago

Strangely, the tagger does have an xml - attribute quotes tag where the closing quote is:


Is there another unclosed tag that overlaps this and goes to the end of the file?

KirillOsenkov commented 7 months ago

weird, it thinks this is an attribute value:


KirillOsenkov commented 7 months ago

Aha, it's TextMate, I added a way to see classifications and the last span is all classified as a string (in green):


KirillOsenkov commented 7 months ago

I found MSBuild.json and I'm not brave enough for this

KirillOsenkov commented 7 months ago

Maybe msbuild-item-function doesn't support A->B->C?

KirillOsenkov commented 7 months ago

Yes, feels like msbuild-item-function should be refactored to allow for multiple "invocations": @(A(->F(args))+)