mhutch / MonoDevelop.MSBuildEditor

Improved MSBuild editing support
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Wrong parsing of strings with hex entities #167

Closed Vasilich closed 5 months ago

Vasilich commented 5 months ago

in the line

    <Target Name="PostBuild" AfterTargets="PostBuildEvent">
        <Exec Command="FOR /D %25%25f IN (&quot;$(TargetDir)*&quot;) DO IF &quot;%25%25~nf&quot; NEQ &quot;Deps&quot; ROBOCOPY &quot;%25%25f&quot; &quot;$(TargetDir)Deps\%25%25~nxf&quot; /E /DCOPY:DAT /MOVE /COPYALL /IS /NP /NC /NS /NFL /NJH /NJS&#xD;&#xA;IF %25errorlevel%25 LEQ 1 EXIT 0 ELSE EXIT %25errorlevel%25" />

warning is shown: image The line itself works perfect.

mhutch commented 5 months ago

The issue here appears to be that the expression parser does not recognize hex entities.