mhutch / MonoDevelop.MSBuildEditor

Improved MSBuild editing support
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Custom NoWarn Values #171

Closed HakamFostok closed 5 months ago

HakamFostok commented 5 months ago

This is the greatest extension that exists for .NET and VS. I wish it will be included in VS by default.

I have this line in my project


but the extension gives error

property NoWarn has unknown value CA1014


mhutch commented 5 months ago

Thank you! I plan to add a built-in schema for all the well-known CA, NU and IDE warning prefixes. I haven't got around to it yet because it's a little bit exhausting collecting all the codes :)

However, it is also possible to add your own warning codes using the schema mechanism. The NoWarn property takes its values from all types with a base type of warning-code:

Here is an example of how the C# compiler warnings are defined:

So, for example, you could have a schema that looked something like this:

  "types": {
    "my-analyzer-warnings": {
      "baseType": "warning-code",
      "values": {
        "XX0123": "My warning code"
HakamFostok commented 5 months ago

Thank you for mentioning the source code, it was really helpful. I am really excited about this extension and I really feel this should be first-class citizen in VS directly, maybe because I struggled a lot with editing the csproj file.

I can offer my help, I think I can create a tool that parses the error codes that is mentioned here and create the JSON from them, then I will just paste the generated JSON.

Are you interested in a PR that includes the CA warnings?

Thank you very much, you are making VS much more better

HakamFostok commented 5 months ago

I could not resist and I created a small C# application that parses the warnings from the docs If you would like you can paste them directly on the place you mentioned, or I can create PR with them. If you think this is a good direction, I can proceed and parse the warning with "IDE" prefix.

The total warnings added is 316

Again thank you

here is the result

    "CA1000": {
      "description": "Do not declare static members on generic types",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1001": {
      "description": "Types that own disposable fields should be disposable",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1002": {
      "description": "Do not expose generic lists",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1003": {
      "description": "Use generic event handler instances",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1005": {
      "description": "Avoid excessive parameters on generic types",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1008": {
      "description": "Enums should have zero value",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1010": {
      "description": "Collections should implement generic interface",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1012": {
      "description": "Abstract types should not have public constructors",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1014": {
      "description": "Mark assemblies with CLSCompliantAttribute",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1016": {
      "description": "Mark assemblies with AssemblyVersionAttribute",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1017": {
      "description": "Mark assemblies with ComVisibleAttribute",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1018": {
      "description": "Mark attributes with AttributeUsageAttribute",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1019": {
      "description": "Define accessors for attribute arguments",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1021": {
      "description": "Avoid out parameters",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1024": {
      "description": "Use properties where appropriate",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1027": {
      "description": "Mark enums with FlagsAttribute",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1028": {
      "description": "Enum storage should be Int32",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1030": {
      "description": "Use events where appropriate",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1031": {
      "description": "Do not catch general exception types",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1032": {
      "description": "Implement standard exception constructors",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1033": {
      "description": "Interface methods should be callable by child types",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1034": {
      "description": "Nested types should not be visible",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1036": {
      "description": "Override methods on comparable types",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1040": {
      "description": "Avoid empty interfaces",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1041": {
      "description": "Provide ObsoleteAttribute message",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1043": {
      "description": "Use integral or string argument for indexers",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1044": {
      "description": "Properties should not be write only",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1045": {
      "description": "Do not pass types by reference",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1046": {
      "description": "Do not overload operator equals on reference types",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1047": {
      "description": "Do not declare protected members in sealed types",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1050": {
      "description": "Declare types in namespaces",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1051": {
      "description": "Do not declare visible instance fields",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1052": {
      "description": "Static holder types should be sealed",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1053": {
      "description": "Static holder types should not have constructors",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1054": {
      "description": "URI parameters should not be strings",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1055": {
      "description": "URI return values should not be strings",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1056": {
      "description": "URI properties should not be strings",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1058": {
      "description": "Types should not extend certain base types",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1060": {
      "description": "Move P/Invokes to NativeMethods class",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1061": {
      "description": "Do not hide base class methods",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1062": {
      "description": "Validate arguments of public methods",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1063": {
      "description": "Implement IDisposable correctly",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1064": {
      "description": "Exceptions should be public",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1065": {
      "description": "Do not raise exceptions in unexpected locations",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1066": {
      "description": "Implement IEquatable when overriding Equals",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1067": {
      "description": "Override Equals when implementing IEquatable",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1068": {
      "description": "CancellationToken parameters must come last",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1069": {
      "description": "Enums should not have duplicate values",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1070": {
      "description": "Do not declare event fields as virtual",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1200": {
      "description": "Avoid using cref tags with a prefix",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1303": {
      "description": "Do not pass literals as localized parameters",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1304": {
      "description": "Specify CultureInfo",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1305": {
      "description": "Specify IFormatProvider",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1307": {
      "description": "Specify StringComparison for clarity",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1308": {
      "description": "Normalize strings to uppercase",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1309": {
      "description": "Use ordinal StringComparison",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1310": {
      "description": "Specify StringComparison for correctness",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1311": {
      "description": "Specify a culture or use an invariant version",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1401": {
      "description": "P/Invokes should not be visible",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1416": {
      "description": "Validate platform compatibility",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1417": {
      "description": "Do not use `OutAttribute` on string parameters for P/Invokes",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1418": {
      "description": "Use valid platform string",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1419": {
      "description": "Provide a parameterless constructor that is as visible as the containing type for concrete types derived from 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle'",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1420": {
      "description": "Property, type, or attribute requires runtime marshalling",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1421": {
      "description": "Method uses runtime marshalling when DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute is applied",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1422": {
      "description": "Validate platform compatibility",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1501": {
      "description": "Avoid excessive inheritance",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1502": {
      "description": "Avoid excessive complexity",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1505": {
      "description": "Avoid unmaintainable code",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1506": {
      "description": "Avoid excessive class coupling",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1507": {
      "description": "Use nameof in place of string",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1508": {
      "description": "Avoid dead conditional code",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1509": {
      "description": "Invalid entry in code metrics configuration file",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1510": {
      "description": "Use ArgumentNullException throw helper",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1511": {
      "description": "Use ArgumentException throw helper",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1512": {
      "description": "Use ArgumentOutOfRangeException throw helper",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1513": {
      "description": "Use ObjectDisposedException throw helper",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1514": {
      "description": "Avoid redundant length argument",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1515": {
      "description": "Consider making public types internal",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1700": {
      "description": "Do not name enum values 'Reserved'",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1707": {
      "description": "Identifiers should not contain underscores",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1708": {
      "description": "Identifiers should differ by more than case",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1710": {
      "description": "Identifiers should have correct suffix",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1711": {
      "description": "Identifiers should not have incorrect suffix",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1712": {
      "description": "Do not prefix enum values with type name",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1713": {
      "description": "Events should not have before or after prefix",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1714": {
      "description": "Flags enums should have plural names",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1715": {
      "description": "Identifiers should have correct prefix",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1716": {
      "description": "Identifiers should not match keywords",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1717": {
      "description": "Only FlagsAttribute enums should have plural names",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1720": {
      "description": "Identifiers should not contain type names",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1721": {
      "description": "Property names should not match get methods",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1724": {
      "description": "Type Names Should Not Match Namespaces",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1725": {
      "description": "Parameter names should match base declaration",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1727": {
      "description": "Use PascalCase for named placeholders",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1801": {
      "description": "Review unused parameters",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1802": {
      "description": "Use Literals Where Appropriate",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1805": {
      "description": "Do not initialize unnecessarily",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1806": {
      "description": "Do not ignore method results",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1810": {
      "description": "Initialize reference type static fields inline",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1812": {
      "description": "Avoid uninstantiated internal classes",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1813": {
      "description": "Avoid unsealed attributes",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1814": {
      "description": "Prefer jagged arrays over multidimensional",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1815": {
      "description": "Override equals and operator equals on value types",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1816": {
      "description": "Call GC.SuppressFinalize correctly",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1819": {
      "description": "Properties should not return arrays",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1820": {
      "description": "Test for empty strings using string length",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1821": {
      "description": "Remove empty finalizers",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1822": {
      "description": "Mark members as static",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1823": {
      "description": "Avoid unused private fields",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1824": {
      "description": "Mark assemblies with NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1825": {
      "description": "Avoid zero-length array allocations",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1826": {
      "description": "Use property instead of Linq Enumerable method",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1827": {
      "description": "Do not use Count/LongCount when Any can be used",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1828": {
      "description": "Do not use CountAsync/LongCountAsync when AnyAsync can be used",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1829": {
      "description": "Use Length/Count property instead of Enumerable.Count method",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1830": {
      "description": "Prefer strongly-typed Append and Insert method overloads on StringBuilder",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1831": {
      "description": "Use AsSpan instead of Range-based indexers for string when appropriate",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1832": {
      "description": "Use AsSpan or AsMemory instead of Range-based indexers for getting ReadOnlySpan or ReadOnlyMemory portion of an array",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1833": {
      "description": "Use AsSpan or AsMemory instead of Range-based indexers for getting Span or Memory portion of an array",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1834": {
      "description": "Use StringBuilder.Append(char) for single character strings",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1835": {
      "description": "Prefer the 'Memory'-based overloads for 'ReadAsync' and 'WriteAsync'",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1836": {
      "description": "Prefer `IsEmpty` over `Count` when available",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1837": {
      "description": "Use `Environment.ProcessId` instead of `Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id`",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1838": {
      "description": "Avoid `StringBuilder` parameters for P/Invokes",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1839": {
      "description": "Use Environment.ProcessPath instead of Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1840": {
      "description": "Use Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId instead of Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1841": {
      "description": "Prefer Dictionary Contains methods",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1842": {
      "description": "Do not use 'WhenAll' with a single task",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1843": {
      "description": "Do not use 'WaitAll' with a single task",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1844": {
      "description": "Provide memory-based overrides of async methods when subclassing 'Stream'",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1845": {
      "description": "Use span-based 'string.Concat'",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1846": {
      "description": "Prefer `AsSpan` over `Substring`",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1847": {
      "description": "Use char literal for a single character lookup",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1848": {
      "description": "Use the LoggerMessage delegates",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1849": {
      "description": "Call async methods when in an async method",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1850": {
      "description": "Prefer static `HashData` method over `ComputeHash`",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1851": {
      "description": "Possible multiple enumerations of `IEnumerable` collection",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1852": {
      "description": "Seal internal types",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1853": {
      "description": "Unnecessary call to 'Dictionary.ContainsKey(key)'",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1854": {
      "description": "Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryGetValue(TKey, out TValue)' method",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1855": {
      "description": "Use Span\<T>.Clear() instead of Span\<T>.Fill()",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1856": {
      "description": "Incorrect usage of ConstantExpected attribute",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1857": {
      "description": "The parameter expects a constant for optimal performance",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1858": {
      "description": "Use StartsWith instead of IndexOf",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1859": {
      "description": "Use concrete types when possible for improved performance",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1860": {
      "description": "Avoid using 'Enumerable.Any()' extension method",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1861": {
      "description": "Avoid constant arrays as arguments",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1862": {
      "description": "Use the 'StringComparison' method overloads to perform case-insensitive string comparisons",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1863": {
      "description": "Use 'CompositeFormat'",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1864": {
      "description": "Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1865-CA1867": {
      "description": "Use char overload",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1868": {
      "description": "Unnecessary call to 'Contains' for sets",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1869": {
      "description": "Cache and reuse 'JsonSerializerOptions' instances",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1870": {
      "description": "Use a cached 'SearchValues' instance",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA1872": {
      "description": "Prefer 'Convert.ToHexString' and 'Convert.ToHexStringLower' over call chains based on 'BitConverter.ToString'",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2000": {
      "description": "Dispose objects before losing scope",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2002": {
      "description": "Do not lock on objects with weak identity",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2007": {
      "description": "Do not directly await a Task",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2008": {
      "description": "Do not create tasks without passing a TaskScheduler",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2009": {
      "description": "Do not call ToImmutableCollection on an ImmutableCollection value",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2011": {
      "description": "Do not assign property within its setter",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2012": {
      "description": "Use ValueTasks correctly",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2013": {
      "description": "Do not use ReferenceEquals with value types",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2014": {
      "description": "Do not use stackalloc in loops.",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2015": {
      "description": "Do not define finalizers for types derived from MemoryManager&lt;T&gt;",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2016": {
      "description": "Forward the CancellationToken parameter to methods that take one",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2017": {
      "description": "Parameter count mismatch",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2018": {
      "description": "The `count` argument to `Buffer.BlockCopy` should specify the number of bytes to copy",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2019": {
      "description": "`ThreadStatic` fields should not use inline initialization",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2020": {
      "description": "Prevent behavioral change caused by built-in operators of IntPtr/UIntPtr",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2021": {
      "description": "Don't call Enumerable.Cast\<T> or Enumerable.OfType\<T> with incompatible types",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2100": {
      "description": "Review SQL queries for security vulnerabilities",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2101": {
      "description": "Specify marshalling for P/Invoke string arguments",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2109": {
      "description": "Review visible event handlers",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2119": {
      "description": "Seal methods that satisfy private interfaces",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2153": {
      "description": "Avoid handling Corrupted State Exceptions",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2200": {
      "description": "Rethrow to preserve stack details",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2201": {
      "description": "Do not raise reserved exception types",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2207": {
      "description": "Initialize value type static fields inline",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2208": {
      "description": "Instantiate argument exceptions correctly",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2211": {
      "description": "Non-constant fields should not be visible",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2213": {
      "description": "Disposable fields should be disposed",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2214": {
      "description": "Do not call overridable methods in constructors",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2215": {
      "description": "Dispose methods should call base class dispose",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2216": {
      "description": "Disposable types should declare finalizer",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2217": {
      "description": "Do not mark enums with FlagsAttribute",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2218": {
      "description": "Override GetHashCode on overriding Equals",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2219": {
      "description": "Do not raise exceptions in exception clauses",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2224": {
      "description": "Override equals on overloading operator equals",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2225": {
      "description": "Operator overloads have named alternates",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2226": {
      "description": "Operators should have symmetrical overloads",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2227": {
      "description": "Collection properties should be read only",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2229": {
      "description": "Implement serialization constructors",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2231": {
      "description": "Overload operator equals on overriding ValueType.Equals",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2234": {
      "description": "Pass System.Uri objects instead of strings",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2235": {
      "description": "Mark all non-serializable fields",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2237": {
      "description": "Mark ISerializable types with SerializableAttribute",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2241": {
      "description": "Provide correct arguments to formatting methods",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2242": {
      "description": "Test for NaN correctly",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2243": {
      "description": "Attribute string literals should parse correctly",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2244": {
      "description": "Do not duplicate indexed element initializations",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2245": {
      "description": "Do not assign a property to itself",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2246": {
      "description": "Do not assign a symbol and its member in the same statement",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2247": {
      "description": "Argument passed to TaskCompletionSource constructor should be TaskCreationOptions enum instead of TaskContinuationOptions enum.",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2248": {
      "description": "Provide correct enum argument to Enum.HasFlag",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2249": {
      "description": "Consider using String.Contains instead of String.IndexOf",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2250": {
      "description": "Use `ThrowIfCancellationRequested`",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2251": {
      "description": "Use `String.Equals` over `String.Compare`",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2252": {
      "description": "Opt in to preview features",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2253": {
      "description": "Named placeholders should not be numeric values",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2254": {
      "description": "Template should be a static expression",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2255": {
      "description": "The `ModuleInitializer` attribute should not be used in libraries",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2256": {
      "description": "All members declared in parent interfaces must have an implementation in a DynamicInterfaceCastableImplementation-attributed interface",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2257": {
      "description": "Members defined on an interface with 'DynamicInterfaceCastableImplementationAttribute' should be 'static'",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2258": {
      "description": "Providing a 'DynamicInterfaceCastableImplementation' interface in Visual Basic is unsupported",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2259": {
      "description": "Ensure `ThreadStatic` is only used with static fields",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2260": {
      "description": "Implement generic math interfaces correctly",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2261": {
      "description": "Do not use `ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing` with `Task<TResult>`",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2262": {
      "description": "Set `MaxResponseHeadersLength` properly",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2263": {
      "description": "Prefer generic overload when type is known",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2300": {
      "description": "Do not use insecure deserializer BinaryFormatter",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2301": {
      "description": "Do not call BinaryFormatter.Deserialize without first setting BinaryFormatter.Binder",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2302": {
      "description": "Ensure BinaryFormatter.Binder is set before calling BinaryFormatter.Deserialize",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2305": {
      "description": "Do not use insecure deserializer LosFormatter",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2310": {
      "description": "Do not use insecure deserializer NetDataContractSerializer",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2311": {
      "description": "Do not deserialize without first setting NetDataContractSerializer.Binder",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2312": {
      "description": "Ensure NetDataContractSerializer.Binder is set before deserializing",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2315": {
      "description": "Do not use insecure deserializer ObjectStateFormatter",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2321": {
      "description": "Do not deserialize with JavaScriptSerializer using a SimpleTypeResolver",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2322": {
      "description": "Ensure JavaScriptSerializer is not initialized with SimpleTypeResolver before deserializing",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2326": {
      "description": "Do not use TypeNameHandling values other than None",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2327": {
      "description": "Do not use insecure JsonSerializerSettings",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2328": {
      "description": "Ensure that JsonSerializerSettings are secure",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2329": {
      "description": "Do not deserialize with JsonSerializer using an insecure configuration",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2330": {
      "description": "Ensure that JsonSerializer has a secure configuration when deserializing",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2350": {
      "description": "Ensure DataTable.ReadXml()'s input is trusted",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2351": {
      "description": "Ensure DataSet.ReadXml()'s input is trusted",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2352": {
      "description": "Unsafe DataSet or DataTable in serializable type can be vulnerable to remote code execution attacks",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2353": {
      "description": "Unsafe DataSet or DataTable in serializable type",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2354": {
      "description": "Unsafe DataSet or DataTable in deserialized object graph can be vulnerable to remote code execution attack",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2355": {
      "description": "Unsafe DataSet or DataTable in deserialized object graph",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2356": {
      "description": "Unsafe DataSet or DataTable in web deserialized object graph",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2361": {
      "description": "Ensure autogenerated class containing DataSet.ReadXml() is not used with untrusted data",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA2362": {
      "description": "Unsafe DataSet or DataTable in autogenerated serializable type can be vulnerable to remote code execution attacks",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3001": {
      "description": "Review code for SQL injection vulnerabilities",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3002": {
      "description": "Review code for XSS vulnerabilities",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3003": {
      "description": "Review code for file path injection vulnerabilities",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3004": {
      "description": "Review code for information disclosure vulnerabilities",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3005": {
      "description": "Review code for LDAP injection vulnerabilities",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3006": {
      "description": "Review code for process command injection vulnerabilities",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3007": {
      "description": "Review code for open redirect vulnerabilities",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3008": {
      "description": "Review code for XPath injection vulnerabilities",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3009": {
      "description": "Review code for XML injection vulnerabilities",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3010": {
      "description": "Review code for XAML injection vulnerabilities",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3011": {
      "description": "Review code for DLL injection vulnerabilities",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3012": {
      "description": "Review code for regex injection vulnerabilities",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3061": {
      "description": "Do not add schema by URL",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3075": {
      "description": "Insecure DTD Processing",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3076": {
      "description": "Insecure XSLT Script Execution",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3077": {
      "description": "Insecure Processing in API Design, XML Document and XML Text Reader",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA3147": {
      "description": "Mark verb handlers with ValidateAntiForgeryToken",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5350": {
      "description": "Do Not Use Weak Cryptographic Algorithms",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5351": {
      "description": "Do Not Use Broken Cryptographic Algorithms",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5358": {
      "description": "Do Not Use Unsafe Cipher Modes",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5359": {
      "description": "Do not disable certificate validation",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5360": {
      "description": "Do not call dangerous methods in deserialization",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5361": {
      "description": "Do not disable Schannel use of strong crypto",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5362": {
      "description": "Potential reference cycle in deserialized object graph",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5363": {
      "description": "Do not disable request validation",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5364": {
      "description": "Do not use deprecated security protocols",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5365": {
      "description": "Do Not Disable HTTP Header Checking",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5366": {
      "description": "Use XmlReader For DataSet Read XML",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5367": {
      "description": "Do Not Serialize Types With Pointer Fields",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5368": {
      "description": "Set ViewStateUserKey For Classes Derived From Page",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5369": {
      "description": "Use XmlReader for Deserialize",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5370": {
      "description": "Use XmlReader for validating reader",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5371": {
      "description": "Use XmlReader for schema read",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5372": {
      "description": "Use XmlReader for XPathDocument",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5373": {
      "description": "Do not use obsolete key derivation function",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5374": {
      "description": "Do Not Use XslTransform",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5375": {
      "description": "Do not use account shared access signature",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5376": {
      "description": "Use SharedAccessProtocol HttpsOnly",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5377": {
      "description": "Use container level access policy",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5378": {
      "description": "Do not disable ServicePointManagerSecurityProtocols",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5379": {
      "description": "Do not use weak key derivation function algorithm",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5380": {
      "description": "Do not add certificates to root store",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5381": {
      "description": "Ensure certificates are not added to root store",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5382": {
      "description": "Use secure cookies in ASP.NET Core",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5383": {
      "description": "Ensure use secure cookies in ASP.NET Core",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5384": {
      "description": "Do not use digital signature algorithm (DSA)",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5385": {
      "description": "Use Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) algorithm with sufficient key size",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5386": {
      "description": "Avoid hardcoding SecurityProtocolType value",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5387": {
      "description": "Do not use weak key derivation function with insufficient iteration count",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5388": {
      "description": "Ensure sufficient iteration count when using weak key derivation function",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5389": {
      "description": "Do not add archive item's path to the target file system path",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5390": {
      "description": "Do not hard-code encryption key",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5391": {
      "description": "Use antiforgery tokens in ASP.NET Core MVC controllers",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5392": {
      "description": "Use DefaultDllImportSearchPaths attribute for P/Invokes",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5393": {
      "description": "Do not use unsafe DllImportSearchPath value",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5394": {
      "description": "Do not use insecure randomness",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5395": {
      "description": "Miss HttpVerb attribute for action methods",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5396": {
      "description": "Set HttpOnly to true for HttpCookie",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5397": {
      "description": "Do not use deprecated SslProtocols values",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5398": {
      "description": "Avoid hardcoded SslProtocols values",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5399": {
      "description": "Definitely disable HttpClient certificate revocation list check",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5400": {
      "description": "Ensure HttpClient certificate revocation list check is not disabled",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5401": {
      "description": "Do not use CreateEncryptor with non-default IV",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5402": {
      "description": "Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5403": {
      "description": "Do not hard-code certificate",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5404": {
      "description": "Do not disable token validation checks",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "CA5405": {
      "description": "Do not always skip token validation in delegates",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "IL3000": {
      "description": "Avoid accessing Assembly file path when publishing as a single file",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "IL3001": {
      "description": "Avoid accessing Assembly file path when publishing as a single-file",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "IL3002": {
      "description": "Avoid calling members annotated with 'RequiresAssemblyFilesAttribute' when publishing as a single file",
      "helpUrl": ""
    "IL3003": {
      "description": "'RequiresAssemblyFilesAttribute' annotations must match across all interface implementations or overrides.",
      "helpUrl": ""
mhutch commented 5 months ago

This approach is good. I used a similar approach to generate the C# warning codes schema, and indicated this in the comments, both to attribute the imported docs, and to provide pointers to folks updating the list of warning codes. The tool I used took the Roslyn source repo as the canonical source of data, and used the docs repo only to compute the help links, as I did not entirely trust docs to have absolutely everything, and I also needed to be able to omit the error codes.

However, I'm not sure any of those concerns apply here and using the list you generated as-is will be a big improvement.

If you could make a pull request that adds these in an additional AnalyzerWarningCodes.buildschema.json schema file (with a header comment indicating where they came from) that would be awesome, thank you 😁

That schema file can be set to load when the C# targets are loaded (or maybe Roslyn is better for these?) as I did with the C# warning codes:

Note that completion displays the warning descriptions inline so it can be useful to edit them so that they remain useful when ellipsized: However, this is not essential and can be done later. If you do decide to make the edits, I would suggest commit the file first then making the edits in a separate commit, so it's clear what was changed from the original imported description.

HakamFostok commented 5 months ago

Great to hear that, Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to contribute. hopefully, this will be the outset for more contributions. I will open the PR tomorrow.

Thanks a lot.