mhvis / solar

Retrieve model and status data for Samil Power SolarRiver TL, SolarRiver TL-D and SolarLake TL inverters
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SolarRiver 3000 TL => can't find inverter via simal monitor #20

Open konehead01 opened 2 years ago

konehead01 commented 2 years ago


Many thanks for you solution. I installed your solution today. I have an SolarRiver 3000 TL. My Raspberry is in the same network as my Inverter. The Inverter IP is (able to ping/traceroute it via the commandline). The Samil monitor command say;s => adress not avaliable when I use the commando 'samil monitor'

I tried to change the Network Parameters setting in my inverter. I am able to select TCP Server, TCP Client or UDP. I am able to update Port ID, Server adress and time out. Which do I have to change? And Which IP do I have to select by server adress, the IP of my Raspberry? Hope you are able to help me. I am Dutch btw

mhvis commented 2 years ago

I am not sure what the issue is, but it seems that in general there are often issues with the SolarRiver TL series. It might be that those series of inverters do not work well with this tool, as opposed to the other SolarRiver TL-D and SolarLake TL series. There is therefore a good chance that is just won't work, I'm sorry to say (I'll put a notice about this in the readme).

What you could try is to see if the original software from Samil Power works. This tool is based on that software, so if the original software does work, this tool should work as well. However it is a bit annoying, you have to get it from this Chinese website, at the bottom, it is called "SolarPower Browser (V3) - Monitoring Software ONLY for SolarRiver TL,SolarRiver TL-D, SolarLake TL". If you're not willing to try this, I totally understand.

There is a small chance it is just a network issue. If you can copy or screenshot the exact command (samil monitor) and the output, that could rule this out.

I'm not sure about the Network Parameter settings, on my SolarRiver TL-D inverter I have them as the default settings. Server address could be the IP of your Raspberry indeed, Port ID is probably 1200.

konehead01 commented 2 years ago

Hi Maarten!

Many thanks for your reply and sorry for the late response. Uhmm, i can't use the SolarPower Browser, since i have only Mac IOS software :(. Please find attached the requested print screen, i hope it is a network error.

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mhvis commented 2 years ago

Try just samil monitor as command, without the --interface option (it is to force a specific network interface, but normally not necessary).

For network protocol you could try both TCP-Client and TCP-Server to see if it makes a difference.

konehead01 commented 2 years ago

hi, ahh, thanks! Did execute the command + changed client/server without the --. Got the following message -is not good I assume-:

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mhvis commented 2 years ago

Leave out interface, just type samil monitor (2 words) and hit enter. It is not necessary to give the inverter IP, it tries to find the inverter automatically.

konehead01 commented 2 years ago

sorry for the late response, i was not @home. I used 'samil monitor' at the beginning and it say's 'could not find inverter'. This is the reasons why I used the IP to get more info. I am able to ping the inverter from the command line. Can i do something else?

mhvis commented 2 years ago

Then I'm afraid it probably won't work with these inverter series, I will update the README.

The tool might need to be updated to make it work but as I don't have this inverter series I can't do this.