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Finding a short and accurate decision rule in disjunctive normal form by exhaustive search
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Reduction of term tuples with Morgan's Laws? #18

Open AniekMarkus opened 2 months ago

AniekMarkus commented 2 months ago

(A and B) or (A and C) simplifies to A and (B or C), which is no DNF. However, applying Morgan's law this can be rewritten as ‘(‘A or (‘B and ‘C)) which is already generated (= term tuple 2 1) if class labels are reversed: if ‘(‘A or (‘B and ‘C)) then 0 else 1.

If accuracy of rule = x, the complementary rule is 1-x. This evaluation is quick.

Same principle applies to rule length 2 where (A and B) = ‘(‘A or ‘B) and other rule lengths e.g. term tuple 4 vs 1 1 1 1.