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Basic input/ output checks #7

Open AniekMarkus opened 1 year ago

AniekMarkus commented 1 year ago

Aniek: plausible input values -> to create checks.

StartRulelength = positive integer EndRulelength = positive integer OperatorMethod =one of list with strings, list = "EXHAUSTIVE", ... CutoffMethod = one of list with strings, list = "RVAC", ... ClassFeature = string (should be name of one of columns in data train) PositiveClass = 1 or string (?) (should be one of elements of column 'ClassFeature' in data train) FeatureInclude = empty or string (should be name of one of columns in data train) Maximize = one of list with strings, list = "ACCURACY", ... Accuracy = float 0-1 -> default = 0 (if 0 -> make empty = computationally more beneficial) Specificity = float 0-1 -> default = 0 PrintSettings = string yes or no PrintPerformance = string yes or no Subsumption = string yes or no BranchBound = string yes or no Parallel = string yes or no

Cesar: functional input checks (e.g. kind of checks for string, integer etc.).

AniekMarkus commented 1 year ago