mi-erasmusmc / comap

The ADVANCE CodeMapper tool
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
3 stars 0 forks source link

release v2 #24

Closed benozol closed 1 week ago

benozol commented 3 weeks ago
Simamohammad commented 3 weeks ago

I have a suggestion: We should have the capability to filter not only by coding system but also by tags. For instance, there are times when we only want to track the narrow codes, so we should be able to filter by "narrow."

Simamohammad commented 2 weeks ago

We need to replace the current codemapper output columns with the main columns shown below. All of our scripts are configured to use the columns as specified below, and we prefer to maintain consistency across our outputs.

Current Codemapper output : image we prefer this : image

Simamohammad commented 2 weeks ago

next steps: 1- Import all the codelists into codemapper 2-we need to output all the codelist in one CSV file . we have the script ready for this . does this help?

benozol commented 1 week ago

all points copied to https://github.com/VAC4EU/Codemapper/pull/1, to be continued there