A driving torque of a revolute joint that is connected to the world may not be reflected.
The reason is that rkJointABIDrivingTorque that is the setter of a joint torque, e.g., _rkc(prp)->_u is skipped in _rkLinkABIUpdateBackward when the joint has no parent.
The computation of accelerations uses _rkc(prp)->_u in _rkLinkABIUpdateForward even if no parent.
@n-wakisaka tries to debug it and creates tests to reproduce the bug.
A driving torque of a revolute joint that is connected to the world may not be reflected.
The reason is that rkJointABIDrivingTorque that is the setter of a joint torque, e.g., _rkc(prp)->_u is skipped in _rkLinkABIUpdateBackward when the joint has no parent. The computation of accelerations uses _rkc(prp)->_u in _rkLinkABIUpdateForward even if no parent.
@n-wakisaka tries to debug it and creates tests to reproduce the bug.