mi6 / ic-ui-kit

Intelligence Community UI Kit (based on StencilJS)
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Date input #334

Open fbd399 opened 1 year ago

fbd399 commented 1 year ago


Date input provides a way to quickly and easily input a date, or any part of a date.  

💰 User value

Foundational component required to provide ICDS users the tools to build rich applications.  

📚 User Stories

As an ICDS user I need a date input component So that I can input a date

As a date input user I need to freely type a date in text format So that I can input a date easily, without need to interact within a modal/dialogue window or dropdown

As a designer/developer creating an app that uses date inputs I need flexibility in the input format, by choosing whether the component asks for DD/MM/YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY, YYYY/MM/DD So that I can choose the relevant format for my user base

As a date input user I need to view a focus indicator for any element that can be interacted with, So that I know where my keyboard actions will target.

As a designer/developer creating an app that uses date inputs I need the choice to accept all, future, or past dates So that I limit the input to my users to prevent errors

As a date input user I need the date input component to be accessible to screen readers and keyboard-only users, So that I can use the component with assistive technology.

As a user filling in a date I need the component to have placeholder text indicating the expected format So that I can easily understand how to input the date information.

As a user filling in a date I need to still have access to the requested format intake So that I can easily understand what format to enter my date.

As an ICDS user I want the date input field to validate the entered date and display an error message if it is invalid So that I can correct my mistake and submit a valid date.


📝 Acceptance Criteria 

Given that the date input component exists 
When selecting the date format 
Then the following can be selected:

Given that the date input component is formed by 3 separate micro-inputs (DD, MM, YYYY) 
When a user fills in one field 
Then there should be auto-tabbing behaviour (i.e. in a DD/MM/YYYY format, if a user types 11 in the DD field, then the field would update to 11/ and focus on the month input)

Given that the date input component has immediate formatting validation, and a DD/MM/YYYY format 
When a user types a 4 (or any number up to, and including 9) in the DD field 
Then the the auto-formatting would complete this as 04/ (or any number up to, and including 09) and move to the next micro-field (MM)

Given that the date input component has immediate formatting validation, and a DD/MM/YYYY format 
When a user types the number 2 to 9 in the MM field 
Then the the auto-formatting would correct this to 02/ to 09/ and move to the next micro-field (YYYY)

Given that the date input component has immediate formatting validation, and a DD/MM/YYYY format 
When a user types the number any two digits, from 00 to 99

And the user loses focus of the date field 
Then the the auto-formatting would append 20 as a prefix (i.e. if the user types 23, then the field would auto-format to 2023)

Given that the date input component has immediate formatting validation, and a DD/MM/YYYY format 
When a user types 3 followed by the ‘/‘ or ‘-‘ key in the DD field 
Then the DD micro-field should auto-format to 03 and focus moves on to the next micro-field

Given that the date input component has immediate formatting validation, and a DD/MM/YYYY format 
When a user types 1 followed by the ‘/‘ or ‘-‘ key in the MM field 
Then the DD micro-field should auto-format to 01 and focus moves on to the next micro-field

Given that the date input component has immediate formatting validation, and a DD/MM/YYYY format 
When a user types any two digits 00 - 99 followed by the ‘/‘ or ‘-‘ key in the YYYY field 
Then the the auto-formatting would append 20 as a prefix (i.e. if the user types 23, then the field would auto-format to 2023)

Given that the date input component has immediate formatting validation, only accepts numbers 
When a user types in a character which is not a number 0-9 
Then no character should be shown in the field

Given that the date input component has immediate validation of valid dates 
When a user types 13 in the MM field 
Then an error message should appear stating “Please enter a valid date”

Given that the date input component has immediate validation of valid dates 
When a user types 32 - 39 in the DD field 
Then an error message should appear stating “Please enter a valid date”

Given that the date input component has immediate validation of valid dates 
When a user types in an incorrect/impossible date (i.e. 30/02/2023) 
Then an error message should appear stating “Please enter a valid date”

using similar logic to here: https://www.hectane.com/blog/javascript-date-validation-with-leap-year

Given that the date input component has immediate validation for specific rules 
When a developer chooses disableDates=fromNow 
Then if a user types a future date, an error message should appear stating ‘Dates in the future are not allowed. Please select a date in the past.”

Given that the date input component has immediate validation for specific rules 
When a developer chooses disableDates=untilNow 
Then if a user types a past date, an error message should appear stating ‘Dates in the past are not allowed. Please select a date in the future.”

Given that the date input component creates a date object 
When a VO user types in the last digit of a full date 
Then the voice over should read back the full date as a date object ‘i.e. The 3rd of December, 2003)

✏ Designs

Figma V2.1 File, “334 - Date input” branch  

 🧾 Guidance


DBD324 commented 12 months ago

@jd239 The error message when attempting to paste an invalid value into a single filed is great. For example, pasting '13' into a month field. However, if I try to paste '123' in the field, then no message is displayed and the paste fails. It would be great to provide the same validation message and treat this as an invalid input in the same way.

When pasting a full date string '25/12/2017' we can use '/' and '-' as the separator keys. It would be great to also include the '.' symbol as a separator allowing dates formatted '25.12.2017' to be pasted in the same way.

It would be great to allow the selection of the whole date when using the 'cmd+a' key press, and then allow the deletion of the whole date with one press of the delete key.

On the month element, should we allow a user to enter a letter corresponding to a month? For example, entering 'S' would result in an '09' entered into the month element. Entering 'J' would put the first month beginning with J - January - 01. Entering 'JU' would put the first month beginning with JU - June - 06. Entering JUL would then allow July - 07. The allowable character entries for the above month text behaviour would be as follows: -- JA --F ---MAR --AP --MAY --JUN --JUL --AU --S --O --N --D