miao0913 / SaCNN-CrowdCounting-Tencent_Youtu

Crowd Counting Via Scale-adaptive Convolutional Neural Network
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no such file #12

Closed zllljf closed 6 years ago

zllljf commented 6 years ago

hello when i run sh train_sacnn.sh there is a bug: sed: can't read train_c.prototxt: No such file or directory sed: can't read train_c.prototxt: No such file or directory sed: can't read train_c.prototxt: No such file or directory sed: can't read train_c.prototxt: No such file or directory and i read the train_sacnn.sh + test_sacnn.sh, i find some files are not contained. i can not find the files called in train_sacnn.sh and test_sacnn.sh In train_sacnn.sh: 1、how can i get the Train_Data and Train_GT 2、how can i get the log.txt 3、how can i download the pretrain_iter_95000.caffemodel. i can just download ShanghaiTech with PartA and PartB which contain ShanghaiTech_part_A.caffemodel and ShanghaiTech_part_B.caffemodel respective. Is pretrain_iter_95000.caffemodel the same as ShanghaiTech_part_A.caffemodel?

In test_sacnn.sh: 1、what is LIB stand for 2、how can i get lmdb 3、how can i get test_data/test_img 4、how can i get list.txt 5、how can i get estdmap.txt and estdmap.db

looking forward to your reply, thanks

miao0913 commented 6 years ago

Yes it was implemented for GPU.