mibe / Srtm2Osm

Srtm2Osm tool uses Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation model (DEM) to generate elevation contours (isohypses) of a selected terrain. The tool writes contours as OSM ways into an OSM file. This then enables rendering of the terrain using Osmarender XSLT transformations or other OSM renderers.
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LiDAR Elevation files from Sonny #13

Open SonnyLidarDTM opened 1 year ago

SonnyLidarDTM commented 1 year ago

Maybe the LiDAR Elevation files of Europe by Sonny which can be found here: https://sonny.4lima.de are of interest to be used with Srtm2Osm too. They are offered in the SRTM-fileformat .hgt as well as .geotiff In that case it would be ideal to mention them on the Wikisite https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Srtm2Osm for people who are searching for good elevation source data.

mibe commented 1 year ago

It's a wiki, you can edit it freely. 😉