mibe / Srtm2Osm

Srtm2Osm tool uses Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation model (DEM) to generate elevation contours (isohypses) of a selected terrain. The tool writes contours as OSM ways into an OSM file. This then enables rendering of the terrain using Osmarender XSLT transformations or other OSM renderers.
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Use System.IO.Compression.ZipFile instead of ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib #8

Closed mibe closed 1 year ago

mibe commented 3 years ago

Remove the SharpZipLib dependency and use the .NET class ZipArchive instead. The version currently used of the dependency is old as the hills. Version 0.85 came out AFAIK end of 2006?

However, the ZipArchive / ZipFile classes require .NET Framework 4.5 and are not available in 4.0. See #7 for that.