mibexsoftware / bamboo-plan-dsl-plugin

Configuration as code with a Groovy-based DSL or YAML for Atlassian Bamboo.
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Can not build from plan DSL - deployment project not found #63

Open anhixon opened 6 years ago

anhixon commented 6 years ago

Saw this issue first on 13/9/17 Occurred without pause until work around discovered for 2 days whenever a the seed task was triggered

Steps to reproduce: 1) Submit a plan dsl task with linked deployment phases 2) Execute seed task 3) update seed task 4) run seed task 5) Build should fail

Note: if not update provided build will not fail

Work around: Remove deployment projects (all effected - usually will be every project; can only confirm this by removing one at a time and running again) and execute seed task. I did think this was a bamboo defect at first - please see https://getsupport.atlassian.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/10/BSP-34817

Running Bamboo 6.1.0 and Plan DSL 1.9.1


mrueegg commented 6 years ago


I'm having troubles to reproduce this. Could you please provide me a minimal example of a DSL where this happens? Also, have you tried updating to the latest plug-in version 1.9.5 to see if this still occurs?

Thanks, Michael

anhixon commented 6 years ago

Hi Michael,

Still occurs on 1.9.5

The following code is the build and deployment steps for the plan in question.

` addBuildStage plan, repoName

    // add deployment
    plan.deploymentProject(name: "Deploy ESB ${repoName}") {
        CorePermissions.addDeploymentProjectPermissions delegate

        releaseVersioning('${bamboo.buildResultKey}-release-1') {

        def deploymentProject = delegate
        Config.Plans.Mule.ENVS.nonProd.each { addEnvironment deploymentProject, repoName, planKey, it, false }
        Config.Plans.Mule.ENVS.prod.each { addEnvironment deploymentProject, repoName, planKey, it, true }

 * Configure the build stage for the repo
private static addBuildStage(Plan plan, String repoName) {
    plan.stage(name: 'Build Stage') {
        manual false

        job(key: 'BUILDJOB', name: 'Default Job') {
            tasks {
                checkout {
                    description 'Checkout Default Repository'
                    repository("${Config.ESB_KEY}/${repoName}") {}

                Maven3xTask.setVersion delegate, '1.0.${bamboo.buildNumber}'

                maven3x('clean deploy') {
                    description 'Build, test and push Mule App to Artifact Repo'
                    Maven3xTask.configureTask delegate
                    withTests {
                        testResultsDirectory '**/target/surefire-reports/*.xml'
            artifacts {
                    definition(name: "${repoName} Zip", copyPattern: '**/*.zip') {
                            location 'target'
                            shared true

 * Configures the stage to trigger a deployment for the given environment
private static addDeployTasks(Environment environment, String repoName, Map env, String planKey) {
        environment.tasks {
            cleanWorkingDirectory() {
                    description 'Clean the working directory'

                description "Download the wrapper"
                repository("${Config.ESB_KEY}/icare-cli-wrapper") {}

            npm(executable: 'Node.js', command: 'install'){
                description 'install required packages for the wrapper'

            artifactDownload() {
            description 'Download release content'
            artifact(name: "${repoName} Zip") {
                sourcePlanKey "${Config.ESB_KEY}-${planKey}"
                description 'Download the application configurations'
                repository("${Config.ESB_KEY}/cicd-config") {}

            nodeJs(executable: 'Node.js', script: 'app.js') {
                description 'execute Node; deploy via the cli wrapper'
                enabled false
                workingSubDirectory 'src'
                arguments "-t  application  -u \${bamboo.cliUsername}  -p \${bamboo.cliPassword} -o icare -e ${env.platformName} -n \${bamboo.shortPlanName}-1.0.\${bamboo.buildNumber}.zip -a \${bamboo.build.working.directory}/mule-hello-world-1.0.\${bamboo.buildNumber}.zip -m \${bamboo.build.working.directory}/configs/meta.json -c \${bamboo.build.working.directory}/configs/mule-app.properties"
            command() {
                description "Deploy ${repoName} to ${env.name} - to be removed once MuleSoft fix reading properties files"
                enabled true
                argument "--username=\${bamboo.cliUsername} --password=\${bamboo.cliPassword} --environment=${env.platformName} --organization=icare runtime-mgr cloudhub-application modify icare-${env.shortName}-\${bamboo.shortPlanName} \${bamboo.shortPlanName}-1.0.\${bamboo.buildNumber}.zip"
                executable 'Anypoint'

 * Configures a new environment in the deployment plan
private static addEnvironment(DeploymentProject deploymentProject, String repoName, String planKey, Map env, boolean isProd) {
      deploymentProject.environment(name: env.name) {

        CorePermissions.addDeploymentEnvironmentPermissions delegate, env
        addDeployTasks delegate, repoName, env, planKey

thanks, Anthony

anhixon commented 6 years ago

Hi Michael,

just wondering if this is still a valid issue on your end and if there has been any progress on this?

Thanks, Anthony

mrueegg commented 6 years ago

Hi Anthony,

Please excuse my late reply. I'm having troubles to reproduce this because the provided DSL contains a lot of custom logic I cannot deal with. Would it be possible for you to provide me some kind of minimal example including the project, plan and deployment project? That would help me much.

Thanks, Michael