mibexsoftware / bamboo-plan-dsl-plugin

Configuration as code with a Groovy-based DSL or YAML for Atlassian Bamboo.
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Publish artefacts for new version 1.9.8/1.9.9 to maven central #71

Open sylvainlaurent opened 6 years ago

sylvainlaurent commented 6 years ago

when I run the DSL with plugin 1.9.8 I see some deprecation warnings in the logs of the bamboo job.

But I don't see them in IntelliJ if I set the dependency to version 1.9.7. I tried to upgrade to 1.9.8 but the artefacts are not on maven central...

mrueegg commented 6 years ago


1.9.8 and 1.9.9 were both releases that targeted the Bamboo plug-in only. No changes were necessary for the DSL part, so we didn't publish a new library for them. But I think we will do this anyway in the future to be always in sync between the plug-in and DSL versions.

Could you please show me the deprecations you got with 1.9.8 compared to 1.9.7 in IntelliJ? That would help me much. Thanks

sylvainlaurent commented 6 years ago

I have warnings in bamboo like these:

simple  01-Feb-2018 09:54:04    Plan DSL: warning: (build_plans.groovy:137): scheduled is deprecated
simple  01-Feb-2018 09:54:04    Plan DSL: warning: (build_plans.groovy:168): watchers is deprecated

but when I look at the source code of ch.mibex.bamboo.plandsl.dsl.triggers.Triggers#scheduled(groovy.lang.Closure) (see https://github.com/mibexsoftware/bamboo-plan-dsl-plugin/blob/e382b82eef14ad08d82466d208778d0d0b2b2867/src/main/groovy/ch/mibex/bamboo/plandsl/dsl/triggers/Triggers.groovy#L62 ) it's not marked as deprecated...

it would be nice if both warnings were aligned because it's much easier to do it in the IDE!

mrueegg commented 6 years ago

Hi @sylvainlaurent

Both methods are deprecated if they are used with a description (scheduled) or an event (watchers). Here's an example:

triggers {
            scheduled("test") {


Intellij marks this as deprecated. Which method overload of scheduled and watchers are you using?

sylvainlaurent commented 6 years ago

Hello @mrueegg , the trigger is declared like this:

            triggers {
                bitbucketServerRepositoryTriggered {}
                scheduled() {
                    description('every week')
                    cronExpression('0 0 23 ? * WED')
mrueegg commented 6 years ago

@sylvainlaurent Thanks a lot for the example. I was able to reproduce it. Will now try to solve this and get back to you.