mic159 / octoprint-grbl-plugin

Simple GRBL support for Octoprint
MIT License
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Multiline G commands not working if unknownCommandsNeedAck is false on arduino uno #5

Open dallasn opened 7 years ago

dallasn commented 7 years ago

I am generating g-code using fusion 360 with the grbl postprocessing. There are several problems. octoprint tries to send comments in the file such as '%' and '(comment)'. Line number handling commands produce errors. But probably the most trouble some is the fact that sending too much data without waiting for an ok will corrupt the input. Fusion 360 breaks G1 and G3 commands across lines, Octoprint sends lines individually and wont wait for an ack for non-G lines. I could not find an option in octoprint to change the unknownCommandsNeedAck field, but it seems to be required for this plugin to work. Perhaps there is something that can be added to the plugin to ensure that these commands are handled correctly. Here is an example

G1 X47.912 Y21.712 Y47.537 X22.087 Y21.712 X43.364 G3 X43.4823 Y21.7348 Z-0.4758 J0.3175