micahgodbolt / grunt-phantomcss

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Pages not updating in test, appear to be cached #10

Open MickeyKay opened 8 years ago

MickeyKay commented 8 years ago

For whatever reason, PhantomCSS doesn't seem to be picking up changes to my site. For example, I ran a test, then edited some CSS to make my nav links bold, then ran the test again. For whatever reason, the generated screenshot doesn't show any of my updates, even though manually loading the page does. Within my test file I've tried adding a URL param (e.g. localhost.com/?asdfhkjasdhf) as well as running this.reload() to force refresh the page, however no matter what I do, the screenshots don't reflect my updates.

Any idea on what might be causing this issue (caching? something else?), and how to prevent it?


Fantastic project!!!!