micahgodbolt / tractor

Old Angular Prototyping Project (no longer maintained)
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Do regions always need to be wrapped? #3

Open markomat opened 10 years ago

markomat commented 10 years ago

First: thank you for sharing tractor. it's powerful stuff, i'd say.

I tried it out yesterday and noticed a problem when i followed the example for setting up a layout template. The code of the section "using a layout" didn't work for me. I did only get the content for the main-region and sidebar. Header and footer didn't appear.

So i poked around and tried this and that and suddenly i realised: when i add additional html wrappers to

magique commented 10 years ago

I also ran into this problem, I don't want to be forced to wrap regions inside a wrapper to output them - I feel like this will start to bloat my code unnecessarily.

To fixed this I added to the function, I don't know how to adjust this code to be a more elegant solution at the moment though

directives.js line 50

    return function(scope, el, attr) {

      var newTemplate;

      // Interact with the $http promise above.
      // This needs to happen in the linking function, since we
      // don't want to start _ANYTHING_ until we get the template back.
      getTemplate.then(function(template) {
        // Wrap template in jqLite...
        newTemplate = angular.element(template.data);
        angular.forEach(newTemplate.find('*'), function(region) {
          // wrap newTemplate.children() in jqLite.
          var _region = angular.element(region);

          // if it's a region element AND we have a "transcluded" HTML fragment,
          // replace HTML.
          if(_region.attr("region") && angular.isDefined(_regions[_region.attr("region")])) {

        // Regions that aren't 
        angular.forEach(newTemplate, function(region) {
          // wrap newTemplate.children() in jqLite.
          var _region = angular.element(region);

          // if it's a region element AND we have a "transcluded" HTML fragment,
          // replace HTML.
          if(_region.attr("region") && angular.isDefined(_regions[_region.attr("region")])) {


        // $compile and append.

I've tested this including a region without a wrapper and including a region inside multiple wrappers.

markomat commented 10 years ago

@jamiebrightlemon: thanks for the fix. seems to do the trick.