micahgodbolt / tractor

Old Angular Prototyping Project (no longer maintained)
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Taking tractor for a drive: home_layout.html 404 #6

Open Boran opened 10 years ago

Boran commented 10 years ago

I cloned to /var/www/tractor, did the "cd tractor; sudo gem install bundler; bundle" and added the snippets from the README for app/views/home.html and layouts/home_layout.html

The browser console for http://myserver/tractor/app shows: GET 404 (Not Found) ==> Fix:
cd tractor/app sass --watch scss:css (maybe add to your README? There might be a better way, I'm new to sass.)

GET 404 (Not Found) ==> perhaps you wish to include some default image

GET 404 ==> Why does it not try to access tractor/app/views/layouts/home_layout.html ? Adding in a path into "" doesn't help, because the path is relative to root path it is using (i.e. views and not tractor/app/views)

How about including default views: home+ layouts, to have a working example out of the box?