micahpearlman / MonkVG

MonkVG is an OpenVG 1.1 like vector graphics API implementation optimized for game use currently using an OpenGL ES backend that should be compatible with any HW that supports OpenGL ES 2.0 which includes most iOS and Android devices.
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Build instructions #13

Closed codedread closed 11 years ago

codedread commented 11 years ago

Can someone please update the readme file with build instructions? I'm familiar with configure, make but not autoconf/libtools so much. I'm trying to build this on OSX without using XCode (I want to integrate it with another project and was hoping not to have to learn that).

micahpearlman commented 11 years ago

As the maintainer of MonkVG I only fully support XCode on iOS. Other build systems systems such as gnu make, MS Visual Studio, etc are from various contributors. With the most recent changes to MonkVG there is a very good likelihood that those builds are "broken". As I don't have the bandwidth to maintain those other build systems I rely on the contributors to maintain those. If you would like to contribute your own build system, or fix an existing one as well as provide instructions I would be more then happy to integrate into MonkVG. It would be an excellent contribution to the FOSS community.

micahpearlman commented 11 years ago

Codedread, did you find a solution to this issue? If so would you contribute that solution back to MonkVG?

codedread commented 11 years ago

No, I haven't had time to look at this any further yet. I'll probably try to learn XCode first.

micahpearlman commented 11 years ago

Ok, I'll just leave this bug open.

codedread commented 11 years ago

Ok, learned a little bit about XCode and have tried to build the OSX XCode project under projects/MonkVG-OSX. Unfortunately gles2-bc is trying to pull in OpenGLES/ES2 headers. Do we have any evidence that the MonkVG-OSX project actually works? If so, I wonder how to get an OpenGLES Framework installed for OSX.

Micah, my idea is that MonkVG could be use as a cross-platform vector graphics layer by utilizing OpenGL on Windows/Mac and OpenGL ES on iOS/Android.


micahpearlman commented 11 years ago

Yeap, MonkVG is meant to be cross-platform, so that plan should work if I didn't recently break all the builds besides ios. :-/

I'm super slammed right now but I'll see what I can do about fixing the XCode OSX project tomorrow morning (I'm on San Francisco pacific time). You'll be on your own for awhile for Android, though I think there is already at least one other person who seems interested in getting the Android and vanilla Makefile builds working.

micahpearlman commented 11 years ago

Also, one other possibility is to take a that commit history and checkout everything before the "opengl-es2" branch was merged I to the master a couple of weeks ago. As far as I know all the builds worked before that.

micahpearlman commented 11 years ago

Ok, so the OSX XCode project now compiles the library. WARNING I have not tested it out, it simply compiles. It is probably still broken somehow, if you get a test project up and running that would be awesome because then I can help debug any issues...

codedread commented 11 years ago

Thanks Micah! I checked out the earlier revision before you added gles2-bc and it compiled just fine. I'll get back up to Head and let you know how it goes... I'm closing this issue for now :)