micahstubbs / voices-of-vr-data

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KBVRSpace Ideation Doc #7

Open BridgetAG opened 5 years ago

BridgetAG commented 5 years ago

Hi - Connected with Jerad through Seattle VR/AR FB...he shared a bit about your project and I played around with it. Hope it provides creative inspiration/discussion...happy to continue to add/participate if useful!

2018.10.26 Voices of VR Podcast World Ideation.docx

micahstubbs commented 5 years ago

đź‘‹ welcome @BridgetAG

micahstubbs commented 5 years ago

will post a plaintext version of the ideation doc linked above

Creating an archive of audio and visual assets is a “flat” experience on a screen, one or another variation of a table of contents. Moving KB’s intellectual property into a VR space is a good compliment to the subject matter and may pull interested users deeper into his body of work. Think map>globe>3D topo map> Google Earth VR. 2D is a very efficient way to access content; this world should go beyond that by providing not just the definitive collection of his work but enhanced ways to experience it through the multiple engagement strengths of VR. This is a creative ideation exercise by an outsider…good for starting discussion.

Purpose of KBVRSpace: Gather together Podcasts and other KB content in one place , allowing users to interact with KB content in uniquely VR ways.

Document Color code: Authored Content User Created Content (UCC) Working Worldname: KSVRSpace (descriptive, not a suggestion)

Content Pool:
VoVR Podcasts Behind the scenes Extras UCC responses Book Readings Videos OG Platform Comments VR Platform Responses

Core Questions

How does an embodied, physical presence enhance KB content use? Live Author Interaction: “Emotional” connection with author/user interaction within hosted events (in world or linked private spaces in social world platforms). Users feel that they are part of a closer group than just a Twitter follower Ex: “Writer’s Block” Spontaneous events with loose conversation format. “What’s Your Take on X?” Patreon/sponsor/VIP only More structured, planned topic-based discussion. “Behind the Interview with XXX” Stories about the stories – the missed plane, the family dog that interrupted the interview, etc. “Monthly Author Night” Scheduled gathering where KB talks about what’s on his mind…teasers to upcoming content releases. Access to Content Appealing to Different Engagement Types: Abstract Physical manipulations: Responsive force directed graphs, responsive Leibnitz graph. Object Physical Manipulation: Books of grouped ideas taken off a shelf; spinnable, topographic globe with pins of interview locations or expert locations, etc. Minigame-type Funnels to Suggested Content: virtual branching interest topic forest path to walk, Dating site type questionnaire to answer. Fortune Cookie/Pulling Paper Slip from Bowl/In World Popup: Most popular in-world, most responses in-world, most popular real world, newest content, last visitor saw, etc.

Exclusive Patreon/Subscriber/VIP content Early access to new content releases Pre-event time at virtual gatherings Special badges/avatars/identifiers

Can KBVRSpace remix authored content? KB curated bundles/playlists including all content types User created bundles/playlists including all content types

Can KBVRSpace provide unique user created content opportunities? Responses in 3D art, other VR art medium – embedded video, machinima Scope: Is KBVRSpace focus more archival or more experiential? Is avatar self-representation within KSVRSpace scope? Or simply a symbol selected from a KBVRSpace world pool of cool icons?

Concerns UCC requires moderation. Live events need moderation. Live events require author time for prep and presence.

sirkitree commented 5 years ago

Some great ideas here! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for posting a plain text version for easier response. Maybe we can use Paper or markdown documents, something for inline commenting/collaboration on documents at some point, but this is great for discussion purposes.

The highlights here for me are:

  1. It's a good description/purpose statement of the project, I really like it. Maybe this is something we put in the README to more quickly get people up to speed with what we're trying to do and to garner participation.
  2. The Core Questions - these seem quite important to ask, and to get definitive answers on, especially the first one. I love some of the creativity behind the answers to the first one. The other questions we might just figure out along the way, around content creation. I see that particular aspect a secondary sort of goal. Maybe others disagree though?
  3. Definitely hear you on the concerns, especially around moderation. Which is in part why I see that aspect of the project a secondary thing to figure out.

Overall, I personally believe that if we can first make it useful by creating a way to discover relevant content, and relate it to other content, we'll already have something useful to build upon.

To that end, I was brainstorming earlier today around spaces that are inherently good at helping people find what they're looking for, and how they do it. Stores in general tend to do this (think apparel, categories by sex and age, or grocery stores categorized by types of food), then libraries of course, with their card catalogues and various taxonomies for sections. There's a lot of studies available about efficient layouts, consumer habits in such spaces, and standard information hierarchies.

I think there are some lessons we can glean from these, and would lend themselves to the idea of a memory palace for some initial layout ideas.

mhenry07 commented 5 years ago

Welcome @BridgetAG. These are several interesting ideas for consideration.

I like the ideas of responsiveness/dynamic graphs, a topic forest to walk, topic books on shelves, and a globe with pins.

What is a Leibnitz graph? I haven't heard of that.

I think when it comes to UCC, I think there can be three types:

@sirkitree Good thoughts. Stores and libraries do seem like good starting points. Perhaps a mall or theme park/festival could provide inspiration as well.