micartey / Cardinal-Anticheat

Cardinal Anticheat (CAC) - Spigot Anticheat
14 stars 2 forks source link

Bug Report | #155

Closed cChimney closed 1 year ago

cChimney commented 2 years ago

What type of bug you want to report? Describe it here

When does the bug occurr?

On startup

Cardinal Version: 1.0002

Spigot Version: Voltane spigot Build 4.8

Attached Files (Required) the plugin doesnt load only log i got is this 04.09 12:45:06 [Server] INFO [Cardinal] [Voltane] Enabling Cardinal v1.0.0 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO .o88b. .d8b. .o88b. 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO d8P Y8 d8' 8b d8P Y8 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO 8P 88ooo88 8P 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO 8b 88 88 8b 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO Y8b d8 88 88 Y8b d8 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFOY88P' YP YP Y88P' 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO | | / ____| (_) | | | | (_) | | 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO | |__ _ _ | | | |_ ___ _ __ | |_ __ _ ___| |_ _ ___ ___| |__ 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO | '_ \| | | | | | | | |/ _ \ '_ \| __/ _ / | | / |/ | ' \ 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO | |) | |_| | | |__| | | / | | | || (| _ \ || _ \ (| | | | 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO |_./ _, | \|||_|| ||__,_|/\||__/\|| || 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO __/ |
04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO |___/
04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO Detected server version VERSION_1_8 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO Loaded Checks: 110 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO Using CPU: 3 / 4 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO Networks: Loaded 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO Resource: Loaded 04.09 12:45:07 [Server] INFO Replay: Disabled 04.09 12:45:08 [Server] INFO [Cardinal] Disabling Cardinal v1.0.0