micartey / Cardinal-Anticheat

Cardinal Anticheat (CAC) - Spigot Anticheat
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Bug Report | On Player Use Command #157

Closed HackHsda closed 1 year ago

HackHsda commented 1 year ago

What type of bug you want to report? Describe it here Command

When does the bug occurr? When the player uses the command/CAC report

Cardinal Version: 1.0006 Spigot Version: 1.8.9

Attached Files (Required) 53COVYX WNIQKOR 0@JVPEE

micartey commented 1 year ago

This is not a bug, but an intentional decision.

Cardinal Anticheat is closed source and to support as many users and systems as possible I abstracted the database. This abstraction is called a dialect. More [here]

You can create your own dialect by following the documentation or if you want to use MySQL you can download a prebuild extension [here]

NOTE: Extensions are not put inside the plugins directory. Instead, they are put inside plugins/CAC/addons