micartey / Cardinal-Anticheat

Cardinal Anticheat (CAC) - Spigot Anticheat
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False Positive | Jumping on Leafs #164

Closed IlligalSpigot99 closed 12 months ago

IlligalSpigot99 commented 1 year ago

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here An Ranken bochklettern, die an einem block enden, so dass man glanz leicht hoch und runter bewegt wird, bisschen seitlich hin und her bewegen.

Verbose Message §c§lCAC§7: IlligalSpigot99 tried §8§lMotion Type A: §c0.12§7Kick=Yes Count=5 Ping=21

Cardinal Version: 3.1.0-6836d847

Spigot Version: Electron 1.8 (Testserver)

Attached Video (Required)


micartey commented 12 months ago

Should be fixed since a while