micasense / imageprocessing

MicaSense RedEdge and Altum image processing tutorials
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Alignment-RigRelatives.ipynb error with demo data #106

Closed aloboa closed 4 years ago

aloboa commented 4 years ago

I run Alignment-RigRelatives.ipynb and get:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-7825841ee001> in <module>
     12 if panelNames is not None:
---> 13     panelCap = capture.Capture.from_filelist(panelNames)
     14 else:
     15     panelCap = None

~/micasense/imageprocessing/micasense/capture.py in from_filelist(cls, file_list)
     95             if not os.path.isfile(fle):
     96                 raise IOError("All files in file list must be a file. The following file is not:\nfle")
---> 97         images = [image.Image(fle) for fle in file_list]
     98         return cls(images)

~/micasense/imageprocessing/micasense/capture.py in <listcomp>(.0)
     95             if not os.path.isfile(fle):
     96                 raise IOError("All files in file list must be a file. The following file is not:\nfle")
---> 97         images = [image.Image(fle) for fle in file_list]
     98         return cls(images)

~/micasense/imageprocessing/micasense/image.py in __init__(self, image_path, exiftool_obj)
     71         if self.meta.band_name() is None:
---> 72             raise ValueError("Provided file path does not have a band name: {}".format(image_path))
     73         if self.meta.band_name().upper() != 'LWIR' and not self.meta.supports_radiometric_calibration():
     74             raise ValueError('Library requires images taken with RedEdge-(3/M/MX) camera firmware v2.1.0 or later. ' +

ValueError: Provided file path does not have a band name: ./data/ALTUM1SET/000/IMG_0000_4.tif

I'm getting the same error with my own images (processed using rigrelatives2.py)

aloboa commented 4 years ago

Actually I've found the problem is that my installation does not pass the test. https://github.com/micasense/imageprocessing/issues/107