micasense / imageprocessing

MicaSense RedEdge and Altum image processing tutorials
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Applying warp to rest of image set #37

Closed Ciaran1981 closed 5 years ago

Ciaran1981 commented 5 years ago

More of a question than an issue.

Which variable is required to apply a 'good' alignment transform to another capture and indeed the remaining dataset?

Is it simply a case of using 'warp_matrices' from a good aligment to the next capture?

poynting commented 5 years ago

Yes, this is a little easier with the new altum-support branch. warp_matrices should be all that is required now.

I'll post an example later this week days of using one alignment to stack and export a whole ImageSet to Tiff files and copy the metadata so that those files can be processed in Pix4D (or anything that can process TIFFs).

poynting commented 5 years ago

I've added code to make this easier and added an example of this. When run the Alignment notebook all the way through, the warp_matrices will be printed at the last step. These can then be set and used in the Batch Processing notebook to apply that warp across a whole imageset. To see how this works or apply this idea to other work, follow the code through the process of saving a reflectance stack in the capture.save_capture_as_reflectance_stack(...) method.

It's important that the same warp method is used in both cases -- cv2.MOTION_AFFINE used to be the default, but now it's cv2.MOTION_HOMOGRAPHY, which we recommend using instead. If you see matix is not square or matrix sizes must match errors it's probably a disconnect between these.