micb25 / RKI_COVID19_DATA

Archiv von Datenbank-Dumps des RKI-COVID19-Dashboards mit täglicher automatisierter Aktualisierung.
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2022-03-02 dataset is faulty! #17

Closed Rubber1Duck closed 2 years ago

Rubber1Duck commented 2 years ago

your 2022-03-02 dataset is faulty. (maybe uncomplete or not fully upgraded) you should replace this with https://github.com/HrRodan/RKI_COVID19_DATA/blob/master/RKI_COVID19_2022-03-02.csv.xz

fnogatz commented 2 years ago

2022-03-03 is wrong as well. The others are correct. I will soon look into it.

Rubber1Duck commented 2 years ago

When will the update be installed?