Open pozoo opened 4 years ago
In this commit, I have added a first implementation of a Python script to parse the app config files.
It seems that the current config (2020-07-18) recognizes all exposures with a contact time >=10 min. Furthermore, the weights for the different BT signal strengths are all the same. This doesn't make sense to me, however, I have to have a deeper look into the calculation of the final risk score.
Edit: I have found a description how the risk score is being calculated.
exposureConfig {
transmission {
appDefined_1: LOWEST
appDefined_2: LOW
appDefined_3: LOW_MEDIUM
appDefined_4: MEDIUM
appDefined_5: MEDIUM_HIGH
appDefined_6: HIGH
appDefined_7: VERY_HIGH
appDefined_8: HIGHEST
transmissionWeight: 50.0
duration {
gt_10_le_15_min: LOWEST
gt_15_le_20_min: LOWEST
gt_20_le_25_min: LOWEST
gt_25_le_30_min: LOWEST
gt_30_min: LOWEST
durationWeight: 50.0
daysSinceLastExposure {
ge_14_days: MEDIUM_HIGH
ge_12_lt_14_days: MEDIUM_HIGH
ge_10_lt_12_days: MEDIUM_HIGH
ge_8_lt_10_days: MEDIUM_HIGH
ge_6_lt_8_days: MEDIUM_HIGH
ge_4_lt_6_days: MEDIUM_HIGH
ge_2_lt_4_days: MEDIUM_HIGH
ge_0_lt_2_days: MEDIUM_HIGH
daysWeight: 20.0
attenuation {
gt_63_le_73_dbm: LOWEST
gt_51_le_63_dbm: LOWEST
gt_33_le_51_dbm: LOWEST
gt_27_le_33_dbm: LOWEST
gt_15_le_27_dbm: LOWEST
gt_10_le_15_dbm: LOWEST
le_10_dbm: LOWEST
attenuationWeight: 50.0
attenuationDuration {
thresholds {
lower: 55
upper: 63
weights {
low: 1.0
mid: 0.5
riskScoreNormalizationDivisor: 25
The corona warn app risk level calculation is parameterized by the RKI, the app downloads this parameters regularly. They are 5 or 6 parameters that define what signal strength and duration of exposures is considered a risk. All are transmitted using protobufs. I would be nice if this parametrization could be plotted as well and be able to see how this correlates with uploaded diagnosis keys over time. I was planning to do this myself, but did not get to it up to now. Maybe you are interested in doing it.